Progressives love them some Pope?

And by love I mean the purely platonic, non sexual and definitely non same-sex love. Love as in love his position on issues, not necessarily his position on the Gay Lobby, cue dramatic chipmunk. It’s hard to know if stuff like this is the Vatican planting a narrative to see how it grows — it does reek a bit of that — or the real deal. But I can understand, given past Papal apathy or outright corruption and complicity, on class warfare and income inequality, why anyone who stays focused on those growing issues might be a welcome breath of fresh air: [Read more…]

Dumbass Republicans just can’t help themselves on rape

Conservatives know they’re supposed to keep their real views on abortion and rape quiet, they’ve been told point blank to not say the word rape at all, and last election two candidates that should have sailed to election in the Senate lost because they could not keep their mouth shut about conservative pseudoscience and rape. But they’re still at it:  [Read more…]

The two America’s on parade

In Wellsville things are great. Better than great, they’re selling a bunch of super rich stuff. I wish I lived there, in that America, or at least on the outskirts where I could visit once in a while, to taste basic financial security for a weekend. But I live in the other America, where you can also spend money! In fact you can rent all kinds of necessities and pay many times what they would cost if you could just afford to buy them. First a peek at how the well off are doing: [Read more…]

Here’s what “fair and balanced” looks like in graphic form


There’s a lot of lessons that can be learned from this. The most obvious being that if only sexual assaults in the military were blamed on Obama, Fox would be all over them. I’m actually surprised House members haven’t trotted that angle out yet. After all, he’s the Commander-in-Chief, you’d think it would be a natural direction to go, right on the corner of Benghazi Blvd between the IRS building and the AP news center. But that might involve admitting the issue exists, which could then lead to support for women in the military and following the blame up the manly chain of command, and that just doesn’t jive with the views of the typical Fox News viewer.

Let’s put scandals & austerity in crystal clear context

A trillion dollars blown on a non-existent threat, by the party that now whines non-stop about big government waste, a huge chunk of which went to the firm where VP Cheney was the most recent CEO. And that’s merely the tip of the iceberg. Tax cuts, oil subsidies, war profiteers, bank bail outs, anti-science lunacy, union busting, you name it.

Yes, democrats may be fractured, unreliable, at times spineless. The modern GOP on the other hand is much more united and it has nothing to do with principle or ideology of any kind: they’re solely focused on shoveling truckloads of money, from any source no matter who gets hurt or killed, into the bloated coffers of their already fabulously wealthy pals by any means necessary. Everything they do and say and try is centered on that singular goal in one way or another, and they’re good at it, especially when they get in real power. To really rake it in like they did in the Bush days, it helps a lot to hold the executive branch — a Presidential veto is an obstacle. Keep that in mind when hearing about the worst scandals ever, or the good ole both sides do it crap.