Republicans heart Wall Street

For those of you who aren’t yet onboard with the progressive movement, let me make you a proposition: say your business has failed, you are going to to end up on the street, so I’ll provide you a no interest, no repayment schedule loan for billions of dollars. You can do anything you wish with it!

Do you think you could make some money that way? Maybe buy some guaranteed CDs or T-notes? Well then let me sweeten the deal! [Read more…]

Wisconsin results: total recall

The shape of elections and outside money in a post Citizens United America. Source Mother Jones

9:55 PM MSNBC calls the race for Scott Walker.

While we wait … CNN exit polls show Obama crushing Romney in WI 54 to 42. The same poll shows the big race neck and neck, 50/50, Walker vs Barrett. But another exit poll showed Walker up 52 to 48. I’ll split the difference and guess Walker edges out Barrett by 2 points. How about you? [Read more…]

To be or not to be a worker bee

Working at the bottom end of the economic ladder for the last two years has been an eye-opening experience to say the least. In fact, if not for the humiliation and constant fear inherent in trying to live from shitty paycheck to shitty paycheck, I’d recommend it for everybody purely as a character building experience. Here’s the latest character building lesson I barely escaped … [Read more…]

Macro economics for dummies

A buddy of mine really freaked me out the other day when he demonstrated he’d bought into the Austerians hook, line, and sinker. I. e., that the way out of a recession is gut government spending. During the discussion he threw out “I took macro economics, I know how it works.” I didn’t argue with him because, one, I love the guy to death, he and his wife are some of the most decent compassionate people I’ve ever known, and two, I judged it would have been pointless. But if I was going to try to argue on those terms, here’s how it might go … [Read more…]

The Austerians

It seems the Austerians have managed to move Europe’s economy toward another recession. Right now we are enjoying lower gas prices as a result, but there are Austerian sympathizers hard at work in US politics hell bent on following the EU into the abyss. I’m not sure what planet they’re on, but below is a short list of the belt-tightening I’ve already undergone thanks to conservative economic policies. [Read more…]