Syria could go anytime now

It could happen today, or Assad might delay this push and buy another month or three. But the Arab Spring that began in Tunisia and swept through Egypt and Libya is now on the doorstep of the Syrian capital (Building raw link base below). There are conflicting reports, some saying the final battle for Damascus may have already begun, others unclear: [Read more…]

Nothing says small government quite like …

Nothing says the gubmint should stay the hell out of the people’s business quite like the State policing uteri in vitro. And nothing says jobs jobs and more jobs quite like restricting reproductive rights. Which helps explain why small government poser and spawn of Paul, aka Rand, has a critical addition to a routine bill on flood insurance: [Read more…]

Egypt announces new government amid massive street protests

Update 9:30 AM: Winner of the Presidential election is  Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi. The crowd is going wild, they seem to be in favor of this choice.

Tahir Square in Egypt has been filled to the brim the past few days as protestors wait to hear what people and which parties won their first democratic election in decades. That announcement will reportedly come any second now. BBC News Middle East is streaming. Google has set up multiple news/video feeds here.

No matter who wins, one thing is clear: Egypt has changed forever and that what happens today could quickly reach every nation on earth. [Read more…]