Heavens-to-betsy, socialism knows no bounds. At least according to Rand Paul, who is either 1) up in arms over an egregious usurper government gone awry, or 2) wincing from Gov Cris Christie’s media blitz over the weekend:
Hullabaloo — Sen. Rand Paul warned Americans that the federal government is targeting doughnuts, the latest example of the oppressive nanny state in America. “They’re coming after your doughnuts!” the Kentucky Republican said, referring to the Food and Drug Administration decision to ban trans fats.
Paul added that if the FDA was banning trans fats, the employees of the agency should be forced to get healthy themselves. “I say we should line every one of them up. I want to see how skinny or how fat the FDA agents are that are making the rules on this,” Paul said…”Because if we’re going to have a nanny state and everybody’s got to eat the right thing, and you can’t eat a doughnut, maybe we just ought to enforce it on the government workers first,” he said.
OK readers, start your snarky search engines and ready, set, go!
Rand has a dull sex life if he thinks donuts are just for eating.
Doughnuts can easily be made without trans-fats, and remain both tasty and unhealthy.
Then again, Paul is the kind of idiot who thinks the FDA is a commie plot and says “Buyer beware” when the topic comes around to patent medicines and tainted food.
When considering whether government employees like Paul are fat, one must consider what is between their ears.
Of course, this is all just window dressing so that nobody ties the two together when Rand Paul charges unnamed staffers to come up with a recipe for a bold new torus-shaped fried dough treat called “Ayn-nuts”. They’ll come with a footnote linking to allrecipes.com.
Come on people, at least Rand Paul is finally showing some originality and not plagiarizing. Give the poor guy some credit. Grifting is hard work….
As far as I know, the idea of banning trans fats is because they’re bad for your heart. I don’t think it’s being pushed as a weight-loss scheme. And, as others have mentioned, they are by no means essential — they’re just cheap.
This made me laugh:
I can’t decide if Rand Paul is a donut hole or an asshole.
Ooooh, can we apply to this to all legislation? I would love that. In order to send troops to war, congress has to volunteer for, say, one term (2 years for the house, 6 for senators….) of military service. Before they can pass any drug laws, they all have to pee in a cup (and do it randomly as well). Before they can pass laws against abortion, they have to be aborted…errr..I mean, they can’t have had one, paid for one, or otherwise have been involved in one.
The list goes on and on…..
@New England Bob #8 – “I can’t decide if Rand Paul is a donut hole or an asshole.”
Do try not to mix them up.
@daved #6 – “As far as I know, the idea of banning trans fats is because they’re bad for your heart. ”
Basically, yeah: the FDA estimates that when the ban goes into full effect, the reduction in trans fats could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths from heart disease each year. Substances with less risk are already banned, like red dye #2. Sadly, though, the US still allows the addition of substances widely banned elsewhere, like brominated vegetable oil (used as an emulsifier in soft drinks, banned in more than 100 countries), azodicarbonamide (used to bleach flour and create “foamed” plastics, banned throughout Europe) and the preservatives BHA and BHT (banned in most European countries.)
I always hate the common idea that being fat means being unhealthy, eating too much, and/or being too lazy. I deal with that crap in the military all the time since I tend to be at least 15 lbs over the screening weight for my height and measure between 17-23% BMI depending on the time of day with the tape test. Doesn’t matter if you eat raw celery, carrots, and salad for most of your meals, run 9mph for your 2 mile, and work out 2-3 times a day, if you have love handles you’re a friggin’ dirtbag.
Yes, because everyone who works at a government agency comes up with and enforces every single rule, therefore we need to line them all up and humiliate them. Because that wouldn’t be a total waste of time. Of course, guys like Paul think that all the faceless bureaucrats at the government are simultaneously lazy time-wasters and also a monolithic force of evil control. That, and they don’t count as actual jobs that pay into the economy, even though the economy lost billions during the recent federal shutdown.
“10 Gregory in Seattle
November 12, 2013 at 4:56 pm (UTC -6) Link to this comment
@New England Bob #8 – “I can’t decide if Rand Paul is a donut hole or an asshole.”
Do try not to mix them up.”
One of them is often cream-filled. At least I think its only one.