Republicans have leaked their demands for not plunging the nation into economic apocalypse and it’s even more revolting than usual. Would you believe it’s a wish list of tax breaks and cash giveaways to big business and rich people, deregulation, neutering consumer protections for Wall Street, and a big “fuck you” to everyone else?
HuffPo — The plan would increase Medicare means testing, and would eliminate social service block grants and a fund for preventative healthcare in the Affordable Care Act that conservatives have characterized as a “slush fund.”
Coal and oil companies would benefit from provisions to expand offshore drilling and drilling on federal lands. The proposal blocks the federal government from regulating greenhouse gas emissions and coal ash. ..
Wall Street banks would benefit from an item that gives Congress the authority to slash funding for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — a signature achievement of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law. .. The planned legislation will raise the debt ceiling through Dec. 31, 2014. The legislation is also expected to include language backing the Keystone XL pipeline, principles for tax reform and a one-year delay to the individual mandate of the Affordable Care Act.
Yeah, they might as well be twirling their mustache and cackling at this point.
More emissions and less money for medical care for poor people with asthma. How delightful!
Yeah, and they also want to “restructure” the retirement plans for those “leeches”, the federal workers.
It seems that every time we get close to a goal, they move the goal posts.
My hubby is a few years out from retirement, so now the GOTP wants to mess with it.
Don’t they realize that the lowly federal workers do all of the behind-the-scenes work to keep the citizens and the troops safe, like air safety control, food safety inspections, cyber security, etc?
Of course, they want to de-regulate and privatize all that for the profit and benefit of their buddies in business, so the hard-working federal workers, like teachers, have been made into scapegoats.
Also they want to kill Net Neutrality
The bad news is, there’s going to be a government shutdown. The good news is, this will be hung around the GOP in general, and the teabaggers in particular. They’re legislating themselves into irrelevance.
Silver lining: they’re willing to extend the debt ceiling for over a full year – to a point *after* the midterm election, even! Progress!
It will be played up to be the “right thing” to do in order to stop the godless commies from instituting long lines and death panels. I’d be surprised if a shutdown swayed approval among the undecideds. The megaphones will be blasting loud and clear messages that the Democrats were responsible for making Boehner and the rest push the jumper off the ledge and that we’ll be better off for it. It’s surreal to witness some of the frothing madness whipped up by the Koch brothers and slung at President Obama. Even more surreal that there are people like that in my family. I just can’t shake the feeling that a shutdown does neither side any favors, and thanks to low-info, low-squelch tolerance voters, the facts will be woven into a fabric of seething hatred and nothing will change.
“Wall Street banks would benefit from an item that gives Congress the authority to slash funding for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau — a signature achievement of the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial reform law. ”
As i recall the ‘baggers were all in a huff against Wall Street – any chance some of them can be proded enough to notice this? Pretty sure Faux, Rushbo, et al won’t mention it.
That sounds less like a bill and more like conservative porn. What’d they call the bill, 50 shades of dysfunctional government?