Per usual I’m getting all kinds of obstacles thrown in my way on getting the lousy disability I paid good money to secure while a complication from heart surgery was taken care of. It’s getting grim financially as time drags on with no disability forthcoming, yet. Bad enough that I’ve had to start cutting important meds in half to to stretch them out. But I’ve been frugal with what you guys sent me last time. I’ll hopefully be released next week with a doc’s note to allow me to start working again. Best of all I have a job interview for something paying a tiny bit more next week! I’ve also improved my appearance and health, see below for the burlesque show.
If not for your generosity a few months ago when circumstances grew dire, when atheists helped save me from homelessness, while followers of Republican Jesus turned their back on me, I don’t know where I’d be right now.
I can’t thank you enough — those reader contributions greatly increased my prospect for a full recovery after the freak heart attack I suffered in Dec 2012. So here’s a pic of my progress, I hope you don’t think it’s too tacky. I’m posting it so that will readers will see I’ve made the most of those contributions by not wasting any money on luxuries or fattening foods, choosing instead to eat right even it sometimes costs a little more and leaves me short on food at the end of the month, and choosing to bust my ass getting into shape.
It took months, lots of aerobic work, hours a day of weight training, and more sits ups and crunches than I care to remember to get any results at all. I’m know I’m no Arnold Schwarzenegger. There is still a lot of work ahead obviously and I’m nervous and self-conscious just to show this much!
But I’m proud of losing almost forty pounds and putting on some small bits of muscle, none of which would have been possible without you. I already feel better than I have felt in many years and this healthy lifestyle offers me something I have sorely missed for those years: something personal to look forward to. Thanks again from the bottom of my godless heart!
I’m glad you feel great. Congratulations on your hard work paying off.
Thanks Jackie!
Well, I can see muscles. I also see an Apple logo, but it is backwards. Hmm. So did you use an Apple something to shoot yourself standing in front of a mirror? It seems too big to be an iPad, but laptops don’t have a camera on the back…. It is a mystery! Good luck with the interview and the Health Crusade.
Yeah it’s an iPad and a mirror, it’s just that the iPad is only a foot or so from the mirror so I think that’s why it looks bigger than it really is.
That’s not bad, those muscles. Jealous.
Am I the only one who’s amused by a half naked photo of Stephen being immediately followed by a post titled “It shouldn’t be this hot!”?
Good Lord, darksyde, it was a beast finding an email to send you money. I’d missed your main crisis. Often miss dkos unless there’s a calamity and Guardian and Al Jazeera aren’t on top of it.
Btw: seems like you could generate personal subscribers for your science work. Combo of charity and subscriptions. Marketing is the problem.
How’s about an appeal that sets $2 a month as the basic appeal and uses PayPal recurring payments as the mechanism? You’ve got to have 1,000 regular readers. More like 10,000 to be honest. And make the begging-point 50-cent a month for students/retirees.
What’s iTune ??? 99-cent a tune? (I don’t know that one. Bought a gift card but don’t use it myself.) What you do summarizing science events has gotta be worth more than 99-cent.
I might try something like that. Revenues for blogging have been destroyed over the last few years. Today we earn a tenth as much per unit page views as we did just three years ago.