Unlike most of my progressive digital riff-raff buddies, I generally give the Beltway media a pass. Yes the news celebrity centered part of it can be annoying or worse, but the bulk of “the beltway media” is gum shoe reporters and editors busting their asses for dwindling market share and job security. Nevertheless, now and then a spectacle of such dismal import comes along that even I can’t look the other way. So it was with Meet the Press yesterday morning:
Raw Story — Pressing DeMint, Gregory asked if he regretted “some of the comments about abortion in this last cycle, about rape, about, again, what Colin Powell thought were veiled racist comments from the party?”The former South Carolina senator ignored the reference to “racist comments,” instead responding with a rant about fetal personhood.
“The fact that we are losing over 3,000 unborn children a day is an important issue,” DeMint opined. “But Republicans or conservatives should not engage in a wish list about exceptions for abortion when the other side will not even agree that we have real people, real human beings. And we need to fight the battle where it should be fought. Life is important. We know from all the new technology and improved sonograms that we do have a baby.”
You might wonder what the fuck Gregory was doing wasting America’s time with the deeply unpopular views of a retiring minority party Senator turned wingnut think-tank shill, or why he let DemInt vomit up comically absurd misinformation from the rotten bowels of the Kochwhore corpus all over those of us kind enough to tune in. Odds are good that was the result of some backroom guilt trip between DeMint’s staff and the MtP staff where the latter owed the former a favor, probably for a leak or a lead on some obscure story months or years ago, and their debt had to be repaid on the backs of innocent viewers. That would be a great question, a great story — sadly we will never find out. It’s not like there were any, you know, reporters in the room or anything … And that’s what’s wrong with the Beltway media.
When (if ever) was the last time any of those lickspittles called a lie a lie, or a liar a liar?
Where are the fact-checkers when such morons are on the loose?
There is nothing wrong with what DeMint had to say. That is if you are from his universe. The traditional media have long since moved on to become part of the entertainment industry. Unfortunately when the writers try to keep in touch with reality and fantasy at the same time they seem to be creating a losing product.
“…why he let DemInt vomit up comically absurd misinformation from the rotten bowels of the Kochwhore corpus all over those of us kind enough to tune in…”
I love good writing! And glad you are on the mend!