Check out this sweet little HANNSpad 7″ tablet, powered by Android’s Ice Cream Sandwich complete with wifi. The best part, I got two of ’em basically for the price of one! Which would never have happened if not for generous response to my annual bleg. All I need to know now is how in the hell to configure it …
This is the last day I’ll ask for handouts, at least until next year and hopefully forever. If you already gave a few bucks or are considering it, thank you, those contributions really touched me at a time when I was feeling sorry for myself and really needed it. And now? .:Happy Dance:.
Thanks again, have great Christmas and happy New Year!
I can’t be 100% certain but I think there’s a version of Ubuntu available for that tablet
Thanks, I’m really a neophyte on this. I actually handed it voer to a friend at my dead end day job and he’s loading it with a basic suite of stuff.
From a fairly experienced Android user:
Internet – Dolphin Browser
Ereader – FBReader
Comics (and PDFs) – Perfect Viewer
Office Suite – Kingsoft Office
Antivirus – AvastMobile
System – ES File Explorer
Photos – QuickPic
All that is free, as in totally free and not a trial version or some crap like that. Dropbox or Google Drive for syncing files with your PC. There are so many things that you can use to make a tablet whatever you want it to be, trial and error is your friend.
Can’t install Ubuntu on that tablet, Ubuntu Unity requires a dual core or better, and 1GB of ram, to install on a tablet.
You can get it rooted, and android 4.1 installed via a custom ROM like cyanogenmod.
My friend has one of those tablets, and the touch response in the basic OS was terrible, I rooted it for him and installed cyanogenmod 10.1 for him it turned into quite the nice tablet.
Vote #2 for FBReader (make sure to set it to ‘night mode’ – white text on black background). And Calibre on teh PC, to manage/edit/ltransfer ebooks.