I hope the ellipsis conveys my skepticism adequately. If it doesn’t, my apologies. The article this came from features a scientist, errr of sorts, making that claim. Normally, I wouldn’t give it the time of day. But it’s instructive. It sounds almost serious at first, even to a quasi-informed science writer like me who knows just enough molecular bio to be completely fooled by anyone who knows a tiny bit more. But thankfully, this particular reporter, wasn’t satisfied to be a mere stenographer.
Link Repaired — And finally, where exactly did Ketchum get her DNA sample? After all, if she was working from a reliable source, that alone might be the real story because no physical evidence of Bigfoot exists on record. As it turns out, Ketchum says her DNA sample was obtained from a blueberry bagel left in the backyard of a Michigan woman who claims that 10 Sasquatch creatures visit her property on a regular basis.
Eureka! Or rather Yahooooooooo! There it is, the crux of the matter, subtlety yet thoroughly debunked right there. Bravo to the author for not just getting it dead right in a few words, but for showing an article can be both grandiose titled linkbait and still retain the minimum decency and credibility owed any reader.
Bigfoot like blueberry bagels!
*or is that Bigfoots or Bigfeet?
Your link doesn’t work for me. Try this article at LiveScience by Benjamin Radford for a decent write-up.
On Mars?
It’s clearly a fraud. Everyone knows Bigfeet don’t like blueberry bagels. They prefer “everything” bagels.
I’m just amazed that the source of the DNA sample is a woman who knows there are 10 of them yet hasn’t had the presence of mind to — oh — photograph them? Or maybe do the entire scientific world a favor and shoot one (well — nonfatally, of course, just to capture it).
Plenty of DNA in a live (even wounded) sample.
Goddamit Zinc, I can’t believe I didn’t think to put Mars in the title somehow.
Steve – it’s obvious: she should have fed them Mars bars …
Ah, so Joe Baggadonutz must be Bigfoot. He was hiding under our noses all along! Ya know, now that I recall evidence from the Willy Wonka studies, I can’t rule out a blueberry hybrid.
what about those folks who were putting nail mats out infront of their cabin doors to keep sasquatches from breaking in? I thought one of the main ‘benefits’ of this bigfoot-defense tactic was to gain DNA to prove their existence. or something
Also… wut? so did the yeti just take a nibble or two and then return the uneaten (and conveniently saliva laden) portion?
Where in Michigan was this bagel found? Funny if Sashy lived in Kalamazoo or some other city.
I can assure you that we haz no bigfeet in Michigan…
Regular visits by Sasquatch? Wonderful news! We can expect the HD video from surveillance cameras any day now. And since they can be baited in with bagels,they’ll have some real closeup views as well.
They’ve been working on this project for what, five years now? Wouldn’t it have been easier to just dart & capture one instead? Seems like it would have been a lot faster.