Where does a shattered Mitt Romney go from here?

Watching Romney’s antics these last few days gives me some appreciation for what the man faces. It’s not that I feel sorry for him, but I sympathize with his plight. Romney isn’t so much an etch-a-sketch as he is a shattered man, broken into conflicting mini Romneys that can’t easily fit back together, thanks to the crazy swinging inconsistent demands of the GOP apparatus.

Healthcare is a great example. Mittens championed and sold a conservative based market solution to healthcare in Massachusetts. Like it or not, conservatives could have held it out as a national solution, an alterrnative to the hated socialized medicine, but they can’t for one simple reason: it’s centerpiece of the hated Affordable Healthcare Act passed under Obama. So all Republicans must now unite against their own idea, with nothing at all left to replace it, thus Mittens is boxed in, forced to run full tilt away from that singular success and pretend he never said all the great things he said about it.

It’s the same story on Roe v Wade, on women’s rights, on Osama bin Laden, on the auto bailout. Again and again, Mittens is left with no plan of his own and forced to criticize his past solutions or try to deny he ever backed those ideas — despite miles of footage and recent op-eds galore documenting that he did exactly that.

Romney is torn to pieces by his own base’s hatred for all things Obama, he can’t even talk about any real plans of action for any major policy issue, other than mouthing the same vague spell about cutting taxes on zillionaires, fucking over the underprivileged and middle class, and deregulating Wall Street. None of which would play great for anyone, let alone a stiff, wooden former corporate raider with a dozen palatial mansions who grew up in the lap of luxury at the earliest age while the nation is still crawling out of the deep black pit dug by the last conservative rounds of tax cuts and deregulation.

Consider that if the roles were reversed right now, if a Republican president had ordered the hit on bin Laden while his chief democratic opponent was on record waffling about violating the borders of the Muslim nation sheltering the killer, the 2012 election would be over. The only thing keeping all these conflicting versions of Romney in the game at all is the great conservative investment in mass deception that took decades to build.  Because of the huge double standard the GOP enjoys, he could still win despite being sliced and diced into a million pieces. But it remains to be seen if all the Koch’s money and all Fox’s men can put a shattered Mitt Romney back together again.


  1. StevoR says

    Where does Mittens go now?

    To a crushing election defeat and then political oblivion I think!

  2. Aliasalpha says

    Remember the Star Trek episode The Alternative Factor where a parallel universe bloke was running around trying to catch his insane anti-matter double? Maybe romney is a bit like that. With luck after the election he’ll end up stuck between universes, wrestling another version of himself in a misty corridor for the rest of eternity

  3. d cwilson says

    I think Mittens’ situation may be more analogous to the episode where Kirk was split in two by a transporter accident. Two opposite versions of Mitt, running in opposite directions and giving the opposite answers to the same question, each apparently unaware of the other’s existence.

  4. anubisprime says

    Seems to this outsider gazing in to this hysterical chaos that maybe the Ruthugs are not that serious in winning an election…would America ever recover enough dignity to be taken seriously ever again if the likes of mittens were elected?

    I mean a look at the candidates from the start of this clown fest kindda gives the game plan away…not one functional brain cell b’twixt or b’tween ’em!
    I think they were just place holders…used to flex a bit of rethug atrophied muscle to make sure the ping ping of the heart monitor still ping pinged in the legions if you get my drift.
    Let the faithful know that rethuglian ambition was still on the side of the righteous and not to give up hope.

    But no one would be more dismayed or freaked then the rethugs if mittens did win…sure a bonus… but what then?

    Nah it seems that they know they are not going to win as much as a mexican jumping bean in this face off…but it served a couple of purposes…it weakens the right wing looney tune brigade from running such a brain dead candidate next time and allows a little saner candidate with a functioning thought process to run full tilt at the prize next time.

    The only unknown is exactly who that will be?

  5. Aliasalpha says

    d cwilson, we need to start an “explaining politics using star trek analogies” website. Maybe make it scifi in general rather than a specific show

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