Somehow the Romney gang always fails to mention it was conservative policies that left the nation over extended and on the verge of economic collapse. And that’s not even the worst part:
(TPM) — “I wanted to increase the work requirement,” said Romney in New Hampshire. “I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless.’ And I said, ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.’
It seems like only last week anyone who dare speaketh of parenting as Not Work was a women hating misogynist libtard. Now here’s Romney bragging, without an apparent care in the world over the naked inconsistency, that he classified that same parenting job as Not Work, and his “fix” is to increase the ‘work requirement’ of those struggling the hardest to raise children.
That’s not even the worst memory lapse, though. These clowns are running on a platform of passing more of the exact same legislation that threw millions of hard-working people into poverty in the first place, and they’re expecting different results. There’s a word for that, I think it’s called C-R-A-Z-Y.
Wow…usually the rethuglican hypocrisy shows up months later…not mere days later. Romney is impressive in that regard.
I cannot get excited about what a member of the 1% has to say to working people.
That’s only true if they want different results. After all, high unemployment means lower wages and weaker unions; and recessions tend to lead to wealth concentrating among the rich.
I don’t actually think that (Hanlon’s Razor), but it does seem to make more sense sometimes.
…I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work….
I’d bet a large sum of money that if Romney were to get elected, that would be the part that would not get enacted.
So, why hasn’t his lazy ass wife gotten her butt out of the house and gotten to work…
oh wait… hypocrisy, thy name is republican.
Romney’s childcare plan would probably involve something like tax free Personal Daycare Accounts used to shelter captal gains.
This has been a very, very bad year for Republicans.
@ ^ Gregory in Seattle : ..and its going to get even worse for them too.
Obama isn’t just going to beat Rmoney, he’s going to absolutely thrash him!
Supervising the servants at three – count ’em three – mansions is a full time job. Didn’t you all see “Upstairs, Downstairs”?
The Romney Gang? They anything like the scooby gang? If so once they lose the election they can drive around america in a van getting to small towns a week after someone else has solved the mystery, claiming all along that it was them who solved it and then running over someone’s cat as they leave.
I woulda gotten away with it, too, if it wasn’t for you meddling Republicans!
Oh ye of little faith! The Master Plan will work. One half of the moms can get jobs in day care centres caring for the children of the other half who will be nannies for children of the 1%!
Republican doctrine has long held that women have no place in the home, raising their children.
Oh, wait….
@StevoR – I’m not so optimistic. I suspect that the unhinged, TP and racist factions will make a strong showing, and that while the popular vote will side solidly with Obama, the electoral vote will be much closer.
(Which is why I’m stocking up on pop corn, to watch the rightards who were screeching about the evils of the College of Electors for the last 24 years give themselves whiplash trying to defend it.)