The flap over Hilary Rosen is a reminder of the reality bending power that comes with having your own media dedicated to keeping the ignorant in the dark. In the space of a few minutes a CNN pundit was morphed into a member of the Obama administration, if not Obama himself, and her comment the most vicious attack on America and apple pie since the Haymarket bombing. The ensuing circus shut down the right-wing blogosphere for several hours as they dreamed of having a foil to fend off a recent record of serial attacks on women’s’ rights. If not for a North Korean missile launch and tweet too far by the Catholic League disparaging adoptive parents, it might be going full tilt still.
Ah. the classic debate technique of blowing a comment all out of proportion and ignoring the intention behind it.
“Someone who has never had a job probably doesn’t know much about economic and workforce policy”
does not equal
“Stay at home mom’s are lazy”
sigh. Of course, I’m used to it from discussions with creationists.
Yeap. Never under estimate the power of the right to crank up the wurlitzer and play their heart out to the ignorant base.
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