Given the current anti-science jubilee going on among wingnut foot soldiers on the orders of their ignorant field commanders, you wouldn’t think they’d make a fuss about science. But you’d be wrong. One bold, fearless, anonymous member of the Keyboard Komanndos is mad as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore!
(DK Hate-mail-apolooza) — Its pretty incredible that the far left attacked Newt Gingrich for suggesting that we build a permanent colony on the moon. This would be significant SCIENTIFIC achievement, and yet you attack ti simply because it makes a conservative look bad. A moon base would be valuable to science and most importantly to national security, since if don’t go there then the chinese will. But none of this matters since you only pretend to care about science when it supports your socialist agenda (“Oh look! There’s some imaginary global warming! Let’s raise taxes on everyone and outlaw light bulbs!”). Obama has been very active trying to drstroy NASA and he is dedicated to preventing any future American scientifc achievements. You don’t care about science one bit! Example: Studies have shown that less qualified blacks who make into college on the back of affirmative action become less succesfull than those blacks who actually earn their place at a less prestigous college. But you don’t care since you socialist ideology requires that all colleges have a certain quota of blacks, qualified or not. Here’s a good question for you to think about: What if science developed a method of eliminating all homosexual children before their born (this is not sci-fi, it can be done)? Would you support this science? Would you support a woman’s “choice” to eliminate her homosexual baby? The real answer is that you would outlaw this technology immediately and also outlaw abortion just to be safe. And that’s anti-science. And before I go, one last reminder: Remember how 25 years ago all the leftist “scientists” were so concerned about global COOLING? Well, that turned out to be bullshit so they recycled the same lies but changed “cooling” to “warming”. If you were pro-science you would admit that your global cooling/warming”whatever is just a big hoax, but you won’t because your ideology won’t let you (and George Soros wouldn’t pay you anymore). All you liberals are anti-science liars, which is why no one believes you anymore.
I think we’ve just been presented with the primary reason why conservatives are losing their trust in science. It’s because the above crapapalooza is the stuff they’re being told is ‘science’.
I betcha if I were a conservative, I would be reluctant to trust that stuff too.
People laughed at Gingrich’s moonbase plan because it was impossible. He claimed he wanted to set up a permanent colony in 8 years or less. No one on the planet currently has the equipment to land the large amount of material and the large number of personnel needed to do so. So his plan would require developing all this in 8 years or less. I suppose if NASA threw 300 or 400 billion a year at the problem it might be doable, but where’s that money supposed to come from?
As for national security the Moon has no practical military use. The current record for minimum time to reach the Moon is 8 hours and 35 minutes for the New Horizons Pluto mission. So say sticking an ICBM up there is pointless, because it won’t arrive on Earth in time to make a difference in a nuclear war. The Moon has no advantage for other activities, like spying, over a satellite in low Earth orbit. If the letter writer is thinking of resources he’s wrong there too. The Chinese are years away from being able to do anything with anything valuable on the Moon, assuming of course lunar mining or other resource extraction activities are even possible or economically viable.
I love the way they keep throwing out that “global cooling”. Yes, there were hypotheses of global cooling, but they never reached the level of evidence that you see in global warming, so they never achieved scientific recognition, and the idea was scrapped. That’s how science is supposed to work. Also, to assume that all the scientists accepted that hypothesis is to misstate the facts…but why use facts when a good spin will do just as well?
Although there is a definite anti-science bias on the left, this guy misses the boat altogether. He does nothing to challenge the new age, fuzzy-thinking woo of the liberal left, and he also assumes that all who are politically liberal hold the exact same ideas on science. Not so, and neither do all those who are politically conservative hold all the same views on science (though thanks to the action of a few “brave” souls, the conservatives appear to be coalescing around the same tired old anti-science rhetoric).
Where does one even start…
Is it bad that I thought it was a joke for about the first half? Y’know like ze was trying to use satire.
Anonymous misses one big point.
“Conservative” is the evil word. Socialism is the desired state. It is what human civilization is all about.
We never know if they’re serious or not. So it could be a fake, somoene just having osme fun. But it fits with other legit stuff, so odds are this was really written by someone who is trying to be serious.
I wonder how many tin-foil hatters are out there losing sleep over the idea that the moon might become populated with Chinese people.
This makes me think of Martin Landau on Moonbase Alpha.
Anymore I find it nearly impossible to read texts that aren’t broken up by paragraphs. When did schools stop teaching the importance of paragraphs and white space in a document?
Although an incoherent collection of random ideas, as that appears to be, would be nearly impossible to organize.
Actually a moon battlestation would be an effective and unassailable nuclear deterrent. It could never be taken out by a counterforce strike. First off, anyone who wanted to hit it would have to build huge multistage rockets that would be hard to harden in a silo. And supposing someone did build rockets like that, you’d have eight hours to launch on warning. That eliminates any risk of accidental nuclear war.
But if were going to spend that much money on weapons in space, why settle for a second strike capacity. How about a “Rods from God” orbital space station? No nukes involved, and while such a station could really mess up civilian targets, it would not be as bad as nuking them. Plus you can now dig out and destroy any potential aggressor’s hardened nukes in twenty minutes.
While such a station would be supremely cool, I’d make an asteroid interceptor craft a higher priority. We’ve been going into orbit for fifty years now and really should have one.
Opposing genocide would make me anti-science?
I could easily be off here, but from my understanding though there is a huge overlap between them, scientists are not engineers.
Wouldn’t a base on the moon be an *engineering* achievement?
And that it would be based on already settled science?
Someone should mention The Moon is a Harsh Mistress where libertarians on the moon colonies get uppity and declare independence. To enforce it, they lob big rocks at Earth. This dummy is probably a Heinlein fan.
The moon colony is probably more of an engineering and financial feat than a scientific one.
And a single US base on a 2160 mile diameter rock would keep the Chinese from landing there… how?
Example: Studies have shown that less qualified blacks who make into college on the back of affirmative action become less succesfull than those blacks who actually earn their place at a less prestigous college.
Studies? SCIENTIFIC studies? Well, we ALL know what value that SCIENCE stuff is.
And a single US base on a 2160 mile diameter rock would keep the Chinese from landing there… how?
We’d turn the light off, and they’ll NEVER find it.
It’s so pitch-perfect stupid on every point, this has got to be a joke.
He sure told us.
(P.S. Is anybody else’s check from George Soros late this month, or is it just me?)
I always think that someone has been watching too many Eve Online videos when they start talking about moon bases and military stuff.
@Stacy, you mean you didn’t get your billion dollar monthly cheque from George Soros this month?
Phil Plait at Bad Astronomy actually is a proponent of a permanent moon base, and he has a rather detailed explanation of why Newt’s suggestion for it is all kinds of wrong.
Wait. You only get a billion?
*tries not to look smug
Wait a minute, I have been involved in the evil librul socialist global warming conspiracy for years! That asshole Soros has never given me a check, not even once. I have tried contacting him multiple times to see what the deal was and now I’m landed with a restraining order. Bloody typical!
Actually, my check from Soros is late this month, so I’ll spill the beans: CO2 makes people straight and ruins our plot at converting the world to homosexual liberal nazi robot communist giraffes. We just use the word “science” because spelled backward “science” is “ecneics.” Yeah. Mind blown, huh?
I want a moonbase and a trip to Mars as well. I just don’t think conservatives are likely to deliver
if don’t go there then the chinese will.
Psst. I hate to break it to you, but Japan, India and Europe have plans to go there, too!
Example: Studies have shown that less qualified blacks who make into college on the back of affirmative action become less succesfull than those blacks who actually earn their place at a less prestigous college.
Studies? SCIENTIFIC studies? Well, we ALL know what value that SCIENCE stuff is.
Isn’t it interesting how homophobia, sexism and racism all intersect with these nitwits?