So goes the old saying, punch line shortly. For now let’s note in recent history, mixing politics and religion has given us everything from the Holocaust to forced state sanctioned rape by high-tech dildos to the 9-11 terror attacks (Hey, those hijackers weren’t atheists). A new poll indicates we can add another item to the growing list: increasing nervousness among the electorate:
(Reuters) — Back in 2001, when Pew first asked the question, just 12 percent of Americans complained that their politicians talked too much about religion. That number has risen steadily ever since and hit a record high in the new poll: 38 percent of Americans, including 24 percent of Republicans, now say their political leaders are overdoing it with their expressions of faith and prayer.
The punch line to what do you get when you mix politics and religion: politics.
No, what you get is bad politics.
Sort of like the same old same old, eh, Steven?
Every now and again I imagine that we should be used to it by now. Then I get a splinter in my hand or a pebble in my shoe that informs me otherwise.
*and there are those who will tell me to ignore my body’s senses and become one with mumble*
“No, what you get is bad politics”
—there is no other kind…
From Pew itself:
This is interesting:
The scary part is that while, yes, 38 percent of Americans now say their political leaders are overdoing it with their expressions of faith and prayer, that means that over 60% (or around that number, if there are some on the fence) APPROVE of that activity!
Damn! I got it wrong: I thought the punch line would be ‘religion’
BTW if anyone is wondering, two dozen comments from yesterday got eated by the intertoobz.
That’s because secular liberals have no influence over the democratic party.
Starskeptic, all politics may be unpleasant, but some of it is absolutely necessary.