Jobless claims down, time to start kicking women around

Another encouraging jobless report, another sign the Great Recession is over, more reason to hope the pain millions still feel may soon lesson. And you now what an improving economy with a democrat in the WH during an election year means, right? Time for conservatives to start metaphorically punching women in the gut to show the GOP base how patriotic, manly and deeply religious they really are!

(KHN round up) — In a rare floor speech, the Ohio Republican — who is a practicing Catholic — pulled no punches: “In imposing this requirement, the federal government is violating a First Amendment right that has stood for more than two centuries. And it is doing so in a manner that affects millions of Americans and harms some of our nation’s most vital institutions”

As DC Wilson notes in comments below, this is the same policy that the GOP didn’t complain about when Bush was in office. But then one could say that about a lot of things back when Bush was in office. I guess I understand why Republicans are jumping on this issue, they can’t believe the majority of the nation is against them, despite poll after poll clearly demonstrating that, and they don’t have a hell of a lot else to seize on. What are they gonna do, run Romney against Obama on terrorism?


  1. d cwilson says

    “In imposing this requirement, the federal government is violating a First Amendment right that has stood for more than two centuries. And it is doing so in a manner that affects millions of Americans and harms some of our nation’s most vital institutions continuing a policy dating from over a decade ago that nobody complained about when Bush was in office.”

    In December 2000, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission ruled that companies that provided prescription drugs to their employees but didn’t provide birth control were in violation of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prevents discrimination on the basis of sex. That opinion, which the George W. Bush administration did nothing to alter or withdraw when it took office the next month, is still in effect today—and because it relies on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, it applies to all employers with 15 or more employees.

    But why let facts get in the way of a good angry rant?

  2. jamessweet says

    What are they gonna do, run Romney against Obama on terrorism?

    Hair. Definitely the hair.

    Yeah, I am waaaaay more optimistic than I was even just a couple of months ago. I thought for sure that after some early thrashing, Romney would snag the nomination as the only viable candidate in the whole bunch, and that he would score an easy win over Obama in a struggling economy. Now I’m thinking Romney’s going to come out of this with a severely unenthused Republican voter base, and maybe even get completely torpedoed by a 3rd party Teavangelical candidate. And if the economy comes back by November, it’s a done deal!

  3. davidct says

    The Catholics are probably worried about the added expense. They ought to know by now that it would not be just the non-Catholic women taking advantage of the benefit.

  4. nemothederv says

    I wonder if they realize that this so called attack on the first amendment is already law in 28 states and has been for more than a decade.

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