Here’s a Sunday special for FreeThinkers, because I’m especially busy this Sunday: Do you have a website/blog whatever? If so list the url in the comments below and I’ll be sure and bookmark it for future links and throw a blurb to it up here on the front page, above the fold, over the next few weeks and maybe sooner. This offer is extended to all sites including religious and/or conservative sites — although you may not like the commenters that show up on your religious and/or conservative site if it gets linked anywhere on FTB — with the exception of real whackos like Klan or terrorist sites and the like. Cute Billy Joel meets World of Warcraft video made by some friends of mine below the fold.
cethis says
The Bolingbrook Babbler:
ogremk5 says
Science, tech, anti-ID, and some occasionally humorous stories.
coleman says
Reading the bible front to back for the first time, as well as some other bits sprinkled in.
writenow says
I write horror and sci-fi for freethinkers and am about to publish first book. Meanwhile, I trash religion mercilessly on my blog. Come visit!
peicurmudgeon says
just your average mentally ill, atheist, left wing libertarian, SCUBA diving, snorkeling, biker blogging about science, pseudoscience, politics, religion, or anything else that intrigues, angers, or interests me.
whitejm says
A fairly new blog that I abandoned when writing my thesis started taking up all of my time, but I’m trying to at least pass along interesting videos/stories and keep up my attacks on historical revisionism when I have relevant knowledge on the topic.
den1s says
it’s just a collection of the videos that catch my attention. It’s public, but has not drawn any attention as far as I know. Almost 500 entries in total
sc_03e2a66d1546591192dab6c7160bc274 says
I’m just starting out, so I’m trying to figure out what to write.
Lou Doench says!/cover
My infrequently updated blog about being an atheist stay at home dad. It’s a little dark right now as my NanoWrimo project winds down.
mouthyb says
Here’s mine:
weesue says
Dan Palka says
I occasionally scribble at which I work on in bursts of activity followed by periods of inactivity.
christopherwhite says
My blog isn’t about Atheism, but if you’re after some flash fiction and/or short stories then check it out…
feralboy12 says
Mostly skeptical humor, political humor, and history (with humor).
Killed By Fish
drdave says
The Humanist Society of Greater Phoenix