WH shooter thought of Obama as the anti-christ

"Oh gosh, who could it be ..... SATAN?!"

The guy who fired at the White House may have held a deep hatred for Obama and reportedly thought the US President was in league with Satan. Gosh, where could he have gotten that idea? I bet it wasn’t the Church Lady:

(CBS News) — Sources tell CBS News Ortega-Hernandez was not on the radar of the Secret Service before Friday’s shooting. But investigators believe he may have targeted the White House due to a hatred of President Obama. Businessman Monte McCall, said Ortega-Hernandez compared the president to the “Antichrist” when they met recently.

Kinda makes you wonder why he would think a pitiful AK 47 would be a match for not only the sitting US President and Commander in Chief, at home in the heart of his dark fortress, but who also happens to be a half-human fire-mage spawn of evil with +1000 hits points that can do 500 dps to mortals and biblical demigods alike.

Update from comments via Wet Rust: Having been a nut and read the Left Behind series I suspect he wasn’t trying to derail the end times but take his place in the prophecy. The theology includes the prophecy that the Anti-Christ will be struck with a fatal wound to the head, fall dead, and rise from the dead now as the physical incarnation of Satan.


  1. raven says

    I was wondering about that.

    It was one of theirs, not ours. Again.

    I wish they could keep their delusions straight. According to a lot of Protestant sects, the antichrist is the Pope. It says that right on the Wisconsin Lutheran website.

    I guess the antichrist must be shared between the Pope, Obama, and whoever else they don’t like at the moment.

  2. Phillip IV says

    I don’t even know what is more insane: Believing Obama was the Anti-Christ, or going and trying to assassinate somebody whom you believe to be the Anti-Christ. What did he believe he’d achieve if he succeeds? Throwing a massive wrench into God’s plan of salvation? Cancelling the Second Coming of Christ? What’s the point of believing in some bullshit prophecy and then also believing you can change the outcome with a well-placed bullet? It makes no sense from the get-go.

  3. says

    Kinda makes you wonder why he would think a pitiful AK 47 would be a match for not only the sitting US President and Commander in Chief, but a half-horned half-human spawn of evil with +1000 hits points that can do 500 dps to mortals and demigods alike :) In fact that’s funny enough to add: I am promoting my own comment.

  4. says

    Having been a nut and read the Left Behind series I suspect he wasn’t trying to derail the end times but take his place in the prophecy. The theology includes the prophecy that the Anti-Christ will be struck with a fatal wound to the head, fall dead, and rise from the dead now as the physical incarnation of Satan.

  5. Randomfactor says

    Kinda makes you wonder why he would think a pitiful AK 47 would be a match

    Magical incantations over the ammo clip.

  6. keithharwood says

    As a marksman, I think he belongs in the Not Terribly Good club. He missed by something like 10,000 miles.

  7. sunsangnim says

    Some of the earliest reports tried to tie him to Occupy DC. I’m just relieved there doesn’t seem to be a connection. There’s already enough of a smear campaign directed at the Occupy movement. It still worries me though. I completely support OWS, but large demonstrations can attract all sorts of people. All it takes is one crazy person doing something stupid to ruin things for everyone. We’ve already seen anarchists causing damage to local businesses at Occupy Oakland. Most of the protesters are against that sort of thing, but it still doesn’t look good on the evening news.

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