Religious freedom under assault: translation Bishop wants more money and control

Help, help, I’m being repressed! Or rather Bishop William Lori is being repressed. He thinks religion and religious freedom is under attack in America, meaning his silly beliefs:

“Among the challenges we see is a pattern in culture and law to treat religion merely as a private matter between an individual and his or her God,” Lori added. “Instead of promoting toleration of differing religious views, some laws, some court decisions, some administrative regulations treat religion not as a contributor to our nation’s common morality but rather as a divisive and disruptive force better kept out of public life.”

Of course when you read further what you find is Bishop Lori is actually whining about the US government insisting health insurance plans are not held hostage to specific religious beliefs, along the way this Bishop purportedly dedicated to truth whips out the canard about Obama–Care funding abortions. And he’s pissed his church isn’t getting what he seems to feel is his share of sweet taxpayer cash with no conditions. Money and power, the sense of entitlement to same, and if they don’t get it, they’re being repressed. And now you see the violence inherent in the system …


  1. fastlane says

    If you replace ‘freedom’ with ‘privilege’ in that inane screed, it would at least make sense. And he’s right. Their privilege is under assault, and we’re going to keep at it until it becomes nothing more than a personal preference with little influence on politics and other peoples’ private lives.

  2. Randomfactor says

    I wish they’d get that right. It’s ROMNEYcare that funds abortions, not Obamacare.

    And if Romney gets the Republican nomination, does that mean we could have the first non-Christian president since Jefferson? Someone should ask the bishop that.

  3. slc1 says

    Re Randomfactor @ #2

    Actually, Madison wasn’t a Christian either; his opinion of organized religion in general and Christianity in particular, was even lower then Jefferson’s.

  4. steveinmi says

    And he’s pissed his church isn’t getting what he seems to feel is his share of sweet taxpayer cash with no conditions.

    Is that really the case? Or is it more correct to say he’s pissed that the sweet taxpayer cash is being shared around without the conditions that HIS CHURCH thinks should be imposed on everyone. (i.e. that taxpayer-funded providers should be free to refuse service to taxpayers they don’t like).

  5. otrame says

    some administrative regulations treat religion not as a contributor to our nation’s common morality but rather as a divisive and disruptive force better kept out of public life.

    Yeah. That’s pretty much what I think.

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