How to win elections: asymmetrical class warfare

It’s not hard to win elections, you do that by doing one thing: vote. Every vote you cast costs the billionaire boyz money. Every vote you cast tanks their investments. Voting is asymmetrical class warfare. Ohio and Mississippi proved that again last night. If you don’t vote, your feelings literally do not count.

I’m sure I’ll write more on this and include with useful websites by state, but for now if you’ve moved, are just reaching voting age, are deployed overseas, if you currently lack ID, check with your local state office and Rock the Vote.

You don’t have to contribute big bucks to candidates, you don’t have to knock on doors and get yelled at, you don’t have to keep abreast of every little twist and turn in the media drama reality TV show known as modern American democracy. All you have to do is make sure you are registered to vote and then show up on election day to hit the usual suspects, hard, in the wallet. Between the money paid to candidates, spent on voter repression, non profits, think-tanks, media, etc, every vote you cast probably costs those assholes hundreds of dollars if not more. Just vote, volunteers and others will take care of the rest:

(DKos) The Koch brothers and the Liz Cheneys and the John Kasichs and Scott Walkers and Rick Scotts aren’t giving in just because they had it stuffed back in their face once. They want to drive us all so far into the dirt that we’ll envy and turn on the person earning minimum wage for a full 40 hours a week, because he or she will look like a high-on-the-hog elite to us. And this fight remains about refusing to do that.

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