Romney goes full Ryan and says he wants to end Medicare

Once a self-described stalwart protector of Medicare, Mittens has pulled one his characteristic spine-snapping flip-flops and now wants to deprive millions of Americans of the benefits we paid for:

(WaPo) A senior Romney adviser noted earlier in the day that, “In that respect, it’s exactly the same exact thing as a Ryan plan.” ‘’The idea instead is to set the Medicare payment to provide each senior with money that they can go out use to go and buy a plan,” the adviser said.

One big problem with this scam, which conservatives can’t seem to address, is there are no comprehensive medical insurance plans for seniors to buy. And there’s a good reason for that: it’s not profitable to insure them, seniors cost too much. Go ahead, go online, hit up a quote page and try to find one. Aside from Medicare gap plans and other government subsidized deals, the only plans you’ll find for retirees eliminate preexisting conditions, come with giant, tricky deductibles and copays, the handful I found cost around two thousand dollars a month, and even those aren’t available to anyone above certain ages. For example, I was unable to find a single private plan that would cover my 80 year-old mother inclusive of all her routine ailments and past medical issues at any price.

If you get in an argument with someone buying into this mendacity, ask them how they’d like to sink two hundred grand into a home mortgage over a couple of decades and then have it taken away and given to Paris Hilton. Oh, and one more thing, they are forced to continue making full mortgage payments! That’s what Romney and Ryan are proposing, thievery by any other name, pure and simple, only it won’t cost you a home, it will cost you your life.


  1. Aliasalpha says

    Well on the plus side, you can be pretty sure that romney doesn’t actually MEAN it. I’m getting the impression he’s never sure what he means

  2. frankb says

    This is where capitalism fails, because old people don’t work and are therefore worthless. To be a true capitalist you need to throw your aged mother out onto the street.

  3. Phillip IV says

    Not really a standpoint suitable to win the general election, though – so I’m pretty sure we’ll see Mittens flip-flop on it again as soon as he has secured the nomination. And why shouldn’t he? By now his reputation as a flip-flopper is so cemented he really needn’t fear penalties for any further flip-flops – he can, quite honestly, claim that anybody who supports him at this point is fully aware that his principles have a shorter shelf-live than unpasteurized milk.

  4. Aliasalpha says

    “To be a true capitalist you need to throw your aged mother out onto the street.”

    Not only that, you have to say its creating jobs for the people who clean up the streets

  5. Francisco Bacopa says

    I’m all for ending Medicare too, but only because what Medicare currently does would be merged in with a single payer healthcare system.

  6. Shawn Smith says

    Francisco Bacopa @6,

    I think you meant “could” not “would.” There is absolutely no reality within 100 billion light years where any Congress that is likely to be elected in 2012 will do anything to pass a single payer system. To them, Barry Goldwater is a pinko commie nazi socialist liberal.

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