I think we have to file this one under somewhat good news: Herman Cain is still leading the GOP field. It seems unlikely that he’ll be able to sustain it, Cain reportedly has no campaign structure to speak of and has fallen prey to serial gaffes and allegations over the last week. But a skeptic can dream these numbers hold as long as possible!
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely GOP Primary voters shows Cain with 26% of the vote over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s 23%. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich draws 14% support, with no other GOP contender reaching double-digits. Thirteen percent (13%) of GOP voters are undecided at this time.
This despite the poll result that “Among Republican voters nationwide, 76% were able to correctly identify Cain as the candidate who was accused of sexual harassment in the 1990s.” Incidentally, TPM posted yesterday they think Gingrich could be up next in the Anything-but-Romney quest if Cain does falter. And seeing Newt’s polygamous adventures under national scrutiny could probably as entertaining as the Saga of Herman Cain we’ve all witnessed this past week.
But it’s still too early to print the bumper stickers reading “Cain&Unable2012” yet, right?
It’s never too early Random!
The surprising part of this, to me, is that Newt is in 3rd place. With double digits, no less. He’s so 1994! In fact, he scares me more than about any of the other Repubs because he’s smart enough to hide most of the crazy.
Just how bad does the field have to be to have Cain leading?
At least Perry has some experience at leading a major state entity and should be a shoe in for those people wanting a position in a cushy government job where they don’t actually have to do anything.