Come on, Rick Perry, this is ridiculous:
Governor, do you believe that President Barack Obama was born in the United States?
“I have no reason to think otherwise.”That’s not a definitive, “Yes, I believe he”—
“Well, I don’t have a definitive answer, because he’s never seen my birth certificate.”But you’ve seen his.
“I don’t know. Have I?”
He’s doing what Rick Perry always does: Dazzle with bullshit.
You’d be amazed how many people fall for it.
“He’s never seen my birth certificate”?
I have no reason to believe Rick Perry is not human, but I have yet to see the DNA test that proves he is not a yak.
Have I?
I’m with Cuttlefish, what is Perry talking about?
I thought the same thing.. “what”? talk about a non sequitur.
It makes about as much sense as saying “Well, I don’t have a definitive answer, because I don’t even know if he plays guitar
He is trying to give the appearance of doubting without actually saying he’s doubting but only succedding in looking like an idiot. I can’t believe a presidental candidate is talking such gibberish. I don’t remember Lyndon Larouche (another Bozo who ran for presidtent in my day) saying anything so incoherent.
From the same interview:
“I [Rick Perry] actually asked for the bust of Winston Churchill that was removed from the White House, if I could take it. His daughter wrote to me, the British are so—I just love ‘em to death because of how formal they are in certain ways. She wrote me this wonderful letter and said, “I really appreciate your asking to have the bust of my grand”—I think it was her grandfather. But she said, “It’s property of the British Empire and you’ll have to ask them.” So I asked them and they said, “We’ve got it at the Embassy, and we’re going to keep it. I told them I’ve got busts of George Washington, Sam Houston, Abraham Lincoln, and Ronald Reagan. I’ve got four busts in my office. I was like, “Man, if I could get Winston Churchill, I’d have what may have been the five most influential men in history.”
okay. time to start the dan quayle…er…rich perry jokes.
robb, in Texas we have been telling Rick Perry jokes for the last twenty-some years…..
Here is something Perry said on the Bill OReilly show yesterday, criticizing Romney’s flip-flops:
“I mean, you can’t change from one election to another….You can’t be for banning guns and then all of a sudden you’re, you know, for the Second Amendment….”
This is hilarious coming from a man who changed parties from Democrat to Republican, and who once was the Texas chairman of Al Gore’s election campaign.