Don’t go out of this house if you Don’t Cut That Hair!

So goes the lyrics to Beastie Boys You’ve Gotta Fight For Your Right to Party. But it looks like a gang of rogue Amish fundies from a breakaway clan were on a hair cutting spree for another reason, failure to worship properly:

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department in Ohio has released the mugshots for three of the five Amish men arrested for allegedly breaking into the homes of other Amish men and cutting off their hair and beards.

Seeing those mugshots, the first thing I thought was they should have turned the scissors on themselves.


  1. Woof says

    I understand the situation has escalated. Word is that there have already been several drive-by shunnings.

  2. ManOutOfTime says

    Seeing the mugshots just caused Cohen brothers movie about l”affaire Sam Mullet to play itself out in my mind complete with haunting Carter Burwell score.

    Thy father caught ye smoking and he saith “No way.” But yon hypocrite smoketh two packs a day.

  3. morejello says

    Not to be too picky, but I’m pretty sure the lyric is “I’ll kick you out of my home if you don’t cut that hair!”.

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