I was cleaning out some old email, have to make room for Zingularity stuff dontchya know, and I came across a message from a, ummm, fan I guess we’ll call them, accusing me of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Remember good old BDS?
T]he term indicates a belief that some extreme criticisms of President Bush are of emotional origins rather than based on facts or logic. The term has been widely adopted by other writers in the political arena.
Sounds awfully familiar doesn’t it?
The reason a lot of people came to dislike Bush, after he soared to lofty approval ratings in the aftermath of 9-11, was because of what he did. Some objected to the Iraq War, others were angry over tax cuts for zillionaires or the Katrina response. And of couse it was Bush and his GOP buddies who turned a budget surplus into a giant deficit and left the economy in shambles. There’s plenty to be angry about in there. But what struck me about it, agree or disagree with Bush’s decisions, these are all things that actually happened.
Contrast that with the reasons Teaparty bozos hate Obama. He was born in Kenya, he’s secretly a Muslim and trying to enact Sharia Law, he’s a socialist or a marxist or a terrorist who hates America. Obama is scheming to create death panels and kill grandma to save a few bucks on Medicare (The last one sounds a lot more like something the Teaparty would really propose these days). All complete nonsense of course, zombie lies and innuendo served up by wingnut freaks to stoke long simmering ideological and racial prejudice.
Uhuh, and we’re the ones with the syndrome?
You’re dealing with people for whom facts are entirely secondary to beliefs.
surely it’s tertiary, with nothing in between. :-D