Teaparty logic

I use the word logic jokingly of course, as lack of logic has become a defining characteristic of the Teaparty Republicans. Remember, lo these many blog years ago, what set these guys off initially was Bush’s failures and the bank bailouts. But that was then, when they rallied around Ron Paul — a man who occasionally said some rational things — before they were bought out by the conservative business establishment. Consider for a moment just how far gone these clowns are now:

  • With the exception of torture, wiretapping, and shipping suspects off to secret third-world shithole prisons without trial or due process, they’re staunch defenders of American liberty!
  • The government should stay the hell out of the people’s personal business, and get serious about policing the people’s uterus and decreeing who can marry who!
  • Deficits are evil; ergo we must elect the same bug-fuck crazy idiots who ran the debt through the roof and have never even come close to balancing the budget in 40 years!
  • The economy is awful; the only solution is to reject policies with a proven track record of creating jobs and reelect the clueless know-nothings whose short-sighted greedy stupidity crashed the entire world and left us holding trillions in past due bills!
  • The 9-11 terror attacks changed everything. Clearly the best way forward is empower the guys and gals who attacked the wrong goddamn country, to the tune of a trillion borrowed dollars, and penalize the party who shot bin Laden in the head at the price of a few million bucks without causing a single injury to the good guys!

(BTW I break into a rant and bust their sorry ass chops like this on Twitter at SAndrewDKos once or twice a week)

It just goes on and on. They have been almost perfectly wrong. Every thing they touch turns to shit. For example, we don’t have to debate what lowers the deficit or how best to neutralize terrorist kingpins, because recent empirical facts demonstrate precisely how to do that and more. But no, it’s the same old tired crap about shadowy conspiracies, trickle down dollars, and deregulation, always sticking it to the middle class and coddling the ultra rich. The latest epiphany being to steal Social Security and Medicare and toss them into the ravenous jaws of Wall Street for the benefit of a few dozen billionaires.

The results speak for themselves:  I can’t think of a single Teaparty idea that might work, hell I can’t think of one that hasn’t already been proven utterly disastrous. Their ideas are so internally inconsistent, so completely bereft of basic cause and effect rationale, that most of them can be debunked in 140 characters, or less, on Twitter. Sure, they have the passion, as the DC gasbags love to tell us, it’s just that they’re like an athlete who has speed and agility, but gets mixed up and runs full tilt for the other teams wrong endzone

There’s an old saying about doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By that standard the Teaparty is literally insane.




  1. rwahrens says

    “…but gets mixed up and runs full tilt for the other team’s end zone.”

    Don’t you mean, “…runs full tilt at his OWN team’s end zone.”?

    Otherwise, I agree fully – a very good post, and damn, but these folks are scary.

  2. Stephen "DarkSyde" Andrew says

    Duly noted and corrected. I saw that football analogy somewhere online, it’s good, but I can’t remember where I saw it.

  3. rwahrens says

    I like the correction. A bit more succinct than the traditional…and a bit more to your point.

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