Perry the parrot projects industry bias onto scientists

See that graph above produced by NASA? Rick Perry thinks it’s all made up so that scientists can keep struggling for a few research grants and teaching positions. Talk about projection:

“A substantial number of scientists [have] manipulated data to keep the money rolling in,” New Hampshire Union Leader editorial page editor Drew Cline quoted Perry saying on the stump in a tweet. Before that, Cline quoted Perry saying, “I do believe the issue of global warming has been politicized.”

Of course the real money is in the denial side, fossil fuel lobbysts. Any well known climatologist like Mike Mann or James Hansen coudld rake in millions if they were willing to sell out. Perry the Parrot is just repeating wingnut talking points. Nothing’s going to stop that. But you know what I don’t get? Instead of this bullshit song and dance about how NASA data is wrong and scientists are engaged in a ridiculous global conspiracy lasting decades, why not just tell the damn truth?

Because the truth is pretty simple: Yes, burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gases, yes we may be raising the earth’s temperature, and if you don’t like that, then try using less freakin energy. Find ways to cut back on your carbon loading. Because that’s what’s causing this shit. Energy companies aren’t producing electricity for fun, they’re doing it because it’s profitable, because people buy it. We don’t burn oil and coal because they smell good, we use them because they the cheapest source of easily transportable energy available on the massive scale the world demands and without energy we’d be sleeping in the dirt.
Seriously, just a modicum of honesty like that would so refreshing.


  1. Rambling T. Wreck says

    If I try really hard, I think I can see this from Perry’s point of view . . . if some one is an avaricious, unprincipled, opportunististic lying sack of shite, it is only natural for them to assume that others with whom they disagree are also avaricious, unprincipled, opportunistic lying sacks of shite.

  2. Stephen "DarkSyde" Andrew says

    KG, please accept my sincere apology to parrots and related aves the world over :)

  3. Pierce R. Butler says

    If Perry ate a cracker*, would that be an act of cannibalism?

    *Standard-issue non-transubstantiated type cracker, not the magic kind.

  4. keithharwood says

    I can’t understand this “They keep up the hoax to get grants” bit. No one gets a grant to discover what is already known.

    Einstein didn’t get his Nobel prize for relativity, because at its core it just says that Maxwell’s equations are correct, and they’d been around for forty years. He got it for his work on the photo-electric effect, because that contradicted an idea that had been current for something like 300 years.

    You don’t get a Nobel prize for confirming that which is generally accepted; you get one for something that is new and unexpected. And every scientist in the world knows this. So every scientist who carries on the global warming hoax, knowing it is a hoax, is cutting his/her own throat. There are thousands of people who will win fame and fortune if they reveal the hoax, and yet not one of them has done so.


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