Perry and me

A fitting obscure video for an old school Central Texas politician, Project Terror was the intro for an old horror movie program run out of San Antonio in the early 1970s. It was camp, black and white mostly, rubber masked monsters and terrible special effects. That clip takes me back four decades, and for some bizarre reason reminds me of Texas Governor and soon to be Presidential candidate Rick Perry:

Conservatives who make up the core of the GOP primary base view Romney skeptically on cultural issues, and he hasn’t been able to establish himself as the heavy favorite for the nomination even though he’s spent months promoting his background as a businessman and claiming that he alone has the know-how to create jobs to pull the country out of a period of high unemployment, rampant foreclosures and tumultuous financial markets.

This is good news for two reasons. One, Perry is no slouch, don’t under estimate him, he could win. But Romney has a better chance of picking off Obama in the general. Two, Perry will be an endless source of hilarity. This is a guy who worked for Al Gore at one time, flipped to conservative when the political winds changed, and recently expressed his profound, patriotic love for America by threatening to secede and start a second Civil War. It will be a hoot!

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