Let’s Talk About Bisexuality

Happy  BiVisibility Day! 

Bisexuality is sexual, romantic or emotional attraction towards same and other genders. It is attraction to men and women, and it encompasses attractions to other gender identities including non-binaries. Bisexuality does not mean Man or woman; gender is not binary. There are other gender identities beyond binary. This is why Bisexuality is defined as attraction to same and other gender. The other genders could be any, multiple or all type of gender identities. Bisexuals are capable of sexual and/or emotional attraction to same gender, multiple genders or all genders.

The fact that Bisexuals do not fall into the normative heterosexual attraction narrative or the homosexual narrative, does not mean bisexuality is invalid as a sexual identity. 

I made a quick video to celebrate BiVisibilty Day.


  1. nickmagerl says

    For a long time I’ve harbored a secret suspicion that what we call bisexuality is really our normal state from birth. I think most people, if they are in an honest moment, will admit that at one time or another in their life they were attracted, possibly for just an instant, to someone of the same sex. As a matter of course this attraction gets squashed almost immediately. Young boys, for example, find themselve ashamed or worse, after experiencing an unexpected erection in the locker room. It doesn’t mean much beyond showing that the cues our bodies respond to have little to do with gender. We respond to physical and or emotional attributes first, the conditioning gets laid on top of that. Eventually we become so trained that some of us learn to hate ourselves because of our very normal reactions.

    Thank you, Yemisi, for telling me about purple. My world just became a little bit larger.

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