Women had a little bit of rights in Egypt.
But they did not like the dictator.
So they went to Tahrir Square.
They cried out loud.
Demanded rights.
Then they voted MotherFuckerhood.
Yes, they voted MotherFuckerhood.
They helped MotherFuckerhood win.
A bunch of women-haters win.
They helped them
kill reasons &
Now women have no rights.
They have no self-esteem.
No freedom. They have to
shut their mouth.
MotherFuckerhood warns that a U.N. declaration on women’s rights could destroy society by allowing a woman to travel, work and use contraception without her husband’s approval and letting her control family spending.
The lesson we have learned: Masochist women are losers.
There is a good news.
Not all women in the Arab world are masochists or misogynists.
Many women want to live with dignity and honour.
They started a campaign against their oppression .
soafree says
You know what Taslima no point telling all these. Bangladesh’s PM and so many other ministers are women. But unfortunately they do not support themselves. I don’t need to mention about ordinary women in Bangladesh because they are fu**ing ass holic ignorant they took granted everything about women’s right. But I bewildered seeing when someone talks about women Rights and write something about women’s right, those women leader does not even support them instead ban their publications and whatever. Do you have clue why?
fantysq (a Radical Feminist and a Militant Atheist) says
Dworkin quote time!
Hitchcock says
good read!
mashuque ahmed mazumder says
Man has + 30% for woman and -70% and woman has +70% for man and -30%, no matter this is not to think right my calculation about man and woman relationship.
Mujtahidul Haque says
You ask yourself why Muslim men are the way they are, and you can just look at their mothers.
born in east LA says
i would concur that cowardly masochist women deserve no rights—unfortunately they ruin it for the rest of us too, not just themselves
Greif Stricken says
We are prayimg for you, this is the time when God is trying to FREE EVERYBODY .”Where the spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom .There is neither male nor female slave nor free..” We are also being harassed and harmed. An American Woman.
born in east LA says
this sentiment may sound harsh, but i’m reminded of a quote by benjamin franklin—those who would give up a little liberty for safety deserve neither liberty nor safety