
There’s one political role I approve of. No, it’s not starting wars or declaring victory – it’s normal stuff like congratulating people and recognizing a job well done, or perhaps cutting the ribbon on a new project of people’s hopes and dreams.

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AI Art

My views on AI have changed somewhat, from my initial view that AI lacked the creativity to come up with grand strategies,[stderr] to something more confused. [stderr] Initially, I saw military strategy as a problem of creativity, and AI don’t seem to be very good at that – there’s too much of “output resembles input” for me to be enthusiastic about AI art: it looks more like remixing than innovation.  [By a coincidence, Caine over at Affinity is also posting about AI creativity tonight]

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Ouch, Wrong Again!

Recently I wrote a piece about The AI That Will Kill Us All [stderr] and hypothesized one thing (which my entire argument hung upon) that looks pretty wrong. I hereby officially declare “I am back to the drawing board.”

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