Quoted en bloc from Counterpunch [counterpunch] by Jeffrey StClair.
Quoted en bloc from Counterpunch [counterpunch] by Jeffrey StClair.
[Warning: Long. Also “me, me me me”]
I was in the kitchen, stitching up the leather cover for Hannah’s Puuko knife, and I was just having trouble doing it. The belt loop I designed included some cross-stitched loops that butted together, and I kept getting things tangled. I felt hot, frustrated, and a bit dizzy.
This is really great. The algorithm fed it to me with 260 views on it. How can something so good lie unnoticed?
Contrary to my high school opinion, not all politicians are bad. Some actually appear to have decided that what they want to do in life is serve the public.
In 2016 I wrote a piece here that partially touched on the matter of range in warfare. [stderr]
I’ve read a lot of histories of the ancient world, and it sounds like, actually, there’s always some new plague, or Mongols, or a bad harvest leading to starvation, fire, displacement, war.
“Kamala Harris calls for assault weapons ban.”
I had a minor blood occlusion in my brain, and my language use disintegrated. It was a very strange feeling – the structure of my sentences stopped matching my thoughts. I called 911.
I pulled up in the huge red truck, idling for a while, then finally tried to sneak out and get a picture of the frolick in progress.
What do you do, when someone posts something cool on facebook? Normally, my attitude is that facebook is just terminally uncool and nothing on it deserves to be linked here.