“For Art” Does Not Appear To Suffice

It’s probably a good thing that there are lots of regulatory hurdles that prevent someone from getting easy access to high explosive. The forms you need to fill out to get licensed as a blaster in Pennsylvania are pretty limited, there’s only one option for “why do you want to become a certified blaster?” and that’s “mining.”

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I Get A Box

I get a lot of stuff in the mail, because I’m always collecting components for various projects. Today I went to the post office and there was a large box that was very heavy. It didn’t make sense because I usually don’t order anything that’s going to be very heavy, for when I am away; if I’m away for more than a couple of days, my neighbor up the street collects my mail for me, and I don’t want to overload her.

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A Real Museum Piece – Success

Getting the time-clock off the wall was not easy; I had to remove the logic board from shock-mountings in order to get to the mounting screws. Disappointingly, it turned out to be quite heavy. Memo to future-self: make sure backing plates are aluminum not steel before you estimate shipping.

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More Bad Welding

Tearing my shop down (my project for late last week) was depressing. After going to all the trouble to assemble the massive benches and bolt everything down to it, I had to unbolt everything and begin disassembly. It amounts to a repudiation of my own work.

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