I’ve had a strong suggestion that there should be an open thread here, so this is it.
I usually don’t set comments to close at any particular time, so I’ll loosely monitor this thread in semi-perpetuity and we’ll see if we ever need another one.
I’ve had a strong suggestion that there should be an open thread here, so this is it.
I usually don’t set comments to close at any particular time, so I’ll loosely monitor this thread in semi-perpetuity and we’ll see if we ever need another one.
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Honest (Australian) govt ad here :
Superb if – WARNING Swearing – satirical clip & their other clips are also wellworth checking out I reckon.
In case anyone here still gets their news from Facebook or NFL quarterbacks, I want to make all of you aware that Ivermectin is still not considered an effective therapy against COVID-19 by the biomedical community.
The Real Scandal About Ivermectin
Re: Ivermectin trials (those that actually happened and weren’t made up of whole cloth):
The summary of the above threads: Ivermectin trials took place where worm infection is common. The ‘success’ of the treatment was likely because more people on the control arm died of worm-caused illness, rather than from COVID-19. That is supported by the fact that Ivermectin appears more successful where worm infections are more prevalent.
The heat is out in my building.
@4 anat:
Interesting… if there is also evidence that suffering from a worm disease makes you more susceptible to serious effects of covid, then deworming those parts of the country might actually decrease covid deaths…
I wonder how regions “where worm infections are more prevalent” would respond to a deworming campaign, whether with ivermectin or some other agent.
@4 @6 If there is a large portion of the population who needs deworming, perhaps that campaign should be run BEFORE they get infected with SARS-CoV-2
@4: Several of the Ivermectin papers have clear signs of fraud, so feel no need to look for more subtle explanations.
Huge study supporting ivermectin as Covid treatment withdrawn over ethical concerns
The Elgazzar study, withdrawn in July:
Plagiarism – check.
Impossible statistics – check
Data cloning – check
A Prominent Study Said Ivermectin Prevents COVID, But The Data Is Suspect
The Carvallo study:
Buzzfeed asks PI who did his stats, he gives a name. They contact that person, who denies any involvement.
Buzzfeed contacts a hospital listed in the paper, the hospital denies any involvement in the study.
A co-author who was CCed on these messages is so put off by the evasion and sliminess of the primary author that he asks for his name to be removed from the paper.
The Real Scandal About Ivermectin
The Niaee paper:
op cit
@4: Note the reply in that thread from Nick Brown:
Nick Brown is one of the people exposing the errors in multiple ivermectin-COVID papers.
Some problems in the dataset of a large study of Ivermectin for the treatment of Covid-19
In short, there is so much error and yes, deliberate fraud, in the ivermectin-COVID literature that any other effect is probably going to be very subtle by comparison. I’m not going to spend time looking for explanations until the smoke has cleared and you can convince me there is a remaining effect to be explained.
@5 Chigau: Warm thoughts and hopes that that gets fixed soon. Cold days coming.
Fire damages kilns at Jeld-Wen mill
It’s a sad day when your kiln is damaged by fire.
@ ^ itronic?
One lo-oong jetty here – and some staggering worlds we now know exist beyond our solar system :
efogoto #13
“They” say they are working on it.
I have lots of blankies.
And a real good space-heater.
OK, Re: Avi Bitterman’s tweets about Ivermectin trials: missing from my summary is that the steroids that are used to treat Covid make the patients more sensitive to the parasitic disease. So worm-positive patients on the control arm of the trial suffer a double-whammy – they are denied a necessary medication to treat their underlying illness, and the treatment for Covid makes their body less able to rid itself of the parasites.
Also, Avi says he excluded from his analysis ‘the ones under scrutiny for potential fraud (Elgazzar) as well as improper randomization protocols (Niaee, Okumus).’
As for which areas have high infection rates with parasitic worms: ‘The South-East Asia, African, and Western Pacific Regions accounted for 76.1% of the global infections.’.
robert79 @ #6: Interesting… if there is also evidence that suffering from a worm disease makes you more susceptible to serious effects of covid, then deworming those parts of the country might actually decrease covid deaths…
It may not be the disease, it might be the treatment. Some parasitic worms (Strongyloides [guard] is one I’ve read about recently, but others too) are mostly benign until a patient is treated with steroids or other immunosuppressants. Then they become extremely aggressive and can be deadly. Part of the standard treatment for severe Covid-19 is dexamethasone, a strong (and very cheap) steroid that helps dull the inflammatory response caused by the virus. This would explain why having worms and severe Covid is bad for you, and why ivermectin might make a measurable difference in areas where this type of parasite is endemic (like the third-world parts of Texas).
Ivermectin: How false science created a Covid ‘miracle’ drug
That means at least nine seriously flawed studies. Only one has been retracted – so far.
Some names, to give credit where due and in case you want to do any follow-up searches.
Marcus might like this one: Activists leak 600 hours of mostly Dallas police helicopter footage after city’s 22 terabyte loss of criminal case data. As the story says, much of the video is of regular people doing regular things, but they are still being surveilled. And oh yeah. surveillance of people sunbathing.
The nuclear press releases continue
Rolls-Royce backed to develop nuclear reactors
The heat is still out in my building but we got this email
I’m still giggling.
Twice on the pipes – means the answer is no
Reginald Selkirk @23 “Twice on the pipes – means the answer is no”.
From the lyrics, he really sounds like a stalker. How would he love her when she doesn’t even know who he is?
More stuff I didn’t know about racism: And this is why it’s useful to talk about historical examples of institutionalized racism.
When they built some Long Island freeways, they deliberately made the of the overpasses too short for buses–so that black and Puerto Rican kids wouldn’t be able to get to Jones Beach.
And this is why it’s useful to talk about historical examples of institutionalized racism
It’s everywhere; the whole country is built on it.
When you combine “city planning” with redlining, you pretty quickly have enforced ghettoization. And then the “conservatives” can ask, wonderingly, why some people just can’t keep their neighborhoods clean and proper.
How to catch a criminal: knock on the container he’s hiding in:
Marcus @26:
And then the “conservatives” can ask, wonderingly, why some people just can’t keep their neighborhoods clean and proper.
[snark]”But we don’t do that any more, so why aren’t “they” now just like us?[/snark]
An interesting video on solid hydrogen energy storage technology. Graphite nanofilm (?) cassette is the storage medium, with laser activation. It sounds very promising.
Police/DA weirdness. Two teens get into a shoot out after a school event. 3 cops at the event hear the shooting and respond by shooting an unrelated car that happened to be moving up a street towards the cops. The cop’s bullets plow through the car and kill an innocent bystander. The DA charges the teens with the death of the bystander.
This is just hugely wrong, the teens are being charged for the police officers incompetence.
Twitch used in large scale money laundering in Turkey. Any system that can be used to transfer money is going to be used for money laundering at some point and this is a pretty simple method. The important thing is that Twitch knew this was happening but didn’t care. A pile of Twitch internal records got dumped and this came out and now Twitch is looking into it.
The interesting thing is how these on-line semi-real money systems are being used for money laundering. As companies like Kickstarter, Patron, GoFundMe and others become larger this is going to be a growing problem.
Some old classics I love for those who may have missed them or wish to seen and hear them again :
Too little changed.
& the very best Rocketman version and clip ever.
Just found the story behind that last song and clip here :
An old, old Aussie classic that’s been derided and mocked since but still rings true :
“Why shouldn’t I get emotional, the Bush is sacred.” It’s hard to explain & not religious but .. it really is at least in a sense.
This song. So much. Even if now outdated. That quote at the end. Spot on.
You cannot replace a 200 year old or older tree tree without waiing 200 years or more for one to grow and giving the chance to to do so. /Cap’n Obvs?
Re the two kids. That’s just the standard felony murder rule. Nothing special here.
Bill Gates’ nuclear power company selects a site for its first reactor
I honestly fear that the Kenosha murders verdict will start a Civil War in the USA – if we can actually say the Civil War ever stopped given the flags carried through Congress on January 6th during the attempted coup by the Trump cult mob.
Outrageous, appalling if predictable verdict that needs to be overturned as an illegitimate trial given the bias of the Judge in the murderers favour.. Would it be okay if things were reversed and a BLM person turned up with a machine gun at a Trump rally then gunned people down there? Clearly not but here. Is this the precedent they’re setting now? You don’t get to pick a fight and then claim “self-defence” and teenage kids should not be wielding military grade guns.
Furious and disheartened here and I’m the world’s biggest ocean away so can only begin to imagine how others closer to the action and more directly affected feel. I fear where this is heading and things need to be stopped now before they get much worse.
Can the White Supremacist killler* here be re-arrested and charged with terrorism and conspiracy to committ homicide or suchlike offences? If so, that should happen. Laws clearly need to be changed and Judges and maybe lawyers removed as well.
No justice. No peace.
Well, we’ve had the no justice part of that equation.. (Expletives.)
* Yes, I’m deliberately not using his name to avoid rewarding him with attenition and a sick sort of glorification and fame. He doesn’t deserve it. What he deserves, well, a lifetime in jail for starters.
PS. This cartoon :
Then this one :
Plus / or this one :
Sum things up horribly well.
Interesting and concerning here :
Including note that :
NASA seeks ideas for a nuclear reactor on the moon
I’ll give them an idea for free: Avoid designs that rely heavily on cooling water.
Reginald Selkirk @ #39:
NASA seeks ideas for a nuclear reactor on the moon
That’s some horrible kerning on the sign on that building. Hopefully they’re better at reactor design.
NASA seeks ideas for a nuclear reactor on the moon
Where are they going to find a flood-plain or fault-line to build it on?
I honestly fear that the Kenosha murders verdict will start a Civil War in the USA
It might be a good idea. Get it over with. This time, do like the Romans would and crucify the secessionists all along I-95. Because, they’d lose again; they’re too stupid to realize that, and they’d just advance our schedule for White Genocide(tm) by making it self-inflicted.
Joking aside (not that that was funny) the US collapsing into a civil war might be a good thing for all of humanity.
@ ^ Marcus Ranum : Dunno. So awfully many individual lives with so much potential to do good as well as evil would be lost if that happens.
The other night Brian Cox’es new Universe doco screened here in Oz and made rather a big deal of this exoplanet :
Whch was fascinating but also rather disappointing when I then googled and sought to learn about it because :
Although on looking further :
So, hmm, still seems more like a mini-Neptune around a red dwarf and those certainly seem unlikely to be suitable for human life and “advanced” lifeforms but still.. Just so much speculations and unknowns and various possibilities and probabilities here.
Kepler K2-18b has a pretty good wikipage & space dot com article on it in my view too.
Also wait 3/4’s of the exoplanets we’ve discovered are now in that size-range.. ?!
In which someone makes an F-35 reference about a notoriously unreliable product
The McDonald’s Ice Cream Machine Hacking Saga Has a New Twist
Trump had a positive test for Covid before his first debate with Biden. He said he felt ill and likely had a cold. He also had a negative test so he can’t exactly be said to have intentionally went to the debate with Covid-19. He was confirmed to have Covid right afterwards and likely did have it at the debate.
An old song here but a great one I’ve only just discovered via a reference to it in a radio quiz :
Kev Carmody, ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ on our treatemnt of Indigenous people in Oz specifically and theplanet more broadly.
At least now some long overdue, correction and respect and reburial. FWIW I live on Kaurna land. :
Only in Oz. When your motor race -the Bathurst 1000 – is interrupted by an echidna onthetrack. It lived – the last few seconds of fooage here tho’:
^Huh. Video unavailbale? Itwa sworking and should be. Take II :
See if this works..
Yup. Seems it does.
Oh and in more Aussie critter news :
WARNING : Spiders for Arachnophobes. Cute colourful tiny ones tho’!
EVENT ALERT : On the unlikely (?) off chance any other folks in (or near enough to) Adelaide, South Oz read this in time & with apologies for the short notice, there’s an anti-Aukus nuclear subs deal protest tomorrow (Sat 11th Dec) rally on at Parlt House steps, 2 pm details here :
That group also has an fb page FWIW. We could really use the numbers here and all are welcome so please come if you can.
Have folks discovered the Crime Pays but Botany Doesn’t cahnnel yet? Here :
Its classic. So much more than just botany and such a character. WARNING :Swearing.
Have folks discovered the Crime Pays but Botany Doesn’t cahnnel yet?
That looks great! Subscribed.
@ ^ :-)
Merry Sol Invictus and here’s hoping for a much less shit new year!
The JW Space Telescope has launched successfully.
So far so good — although now it has to deploy and will take a month to reach its final L2 orbit. See timeline and informative site here :
Then? We start learning and seeing &, I expect, being surprised and awed by what comes with first light and beyond:
Feels like we’ve been waiting forever and its still no certainty with a lot of steps to happen but .. so happy about this right now.
In the off-chance and hope that some reading this are in South Australia and able to attend tonight :
FWIW This Refugee Vigil is a weekly event which is usually (but NOT this one week) held on Friday nights from 5 pm, same place In Adelaide city centre.
PS. Crossposted on Pharyngula & Affinity blog open threads too. FWIW. Trying to boost the signal and attendence there so hope that’s okay. This group has now done 267 of these weekly vigils and counting. The Refugees have been imprisoned without trial or crime going well into a ninth year with no end in sight now..