Dye Dye Dye Before and After

More playing with UV dye.

Room lights (normal spectrum LEDs)

Ultraviolet LED Flashlight


There is no black light. As a matter of fact, it’s all black.

I avoid the term “art” – which is why I describe this as “playing with…” – because I don’t have to sort out tricky questions like whether play produces entertainment as its output, or art, or both.


  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    There is no black light. As a matter of fact, it’s all black.

    Cannot cope. Aiiieeeee!

  2. says

    Reginald Selkirk@#7:
    This Object Has Been Sprayed With the World’s Blackest Material, and It’s Freaking Us Out

    I think that stuff is fascinating. I’ll probably have to play with some in 10 years when it’s less rare. It makes me wonder if you could get any interesting effects by side or back lighting it.

    I used to do all my photography against a black velvet backdrop, and I mostly now use a very matte grey sweep. It’d be fun to try to paint a sweep with that stuff, but I assume prohibitively expensive.