JD Vance looks worse by the day

It looks like we can expect a steady drip of bad news about JD Vance as people start combing through his past.

For example, in a just-released clip from an interview he gave before the 2022 Dobbs decision that overthrew Roe v. Wade, he makes up some fantasy about in the event that happens and Ohio bans abortions altogether, the possibility of George Soros every day sending a 747 to Ohio to fill it up with mostly Black women seeking abortions and taking them to California to have them, and says that he is sympathetic to the idea of the federal government stepping in to stop this.

In that short clip, he manages to promote the stereotype that Black women are promiscuous and seek to avoid the consequences of casual sex by having abortions, inserts a standard antisemitic dog whistle by invoking George Soros as an evil mastermind acting behind the scenes, and essentially calls for a federal ban on abortions.

Vance is causing so much concern that there is even speculation that serial sex abuser and convicted felon Donald Trump (SSCFT) might soon replace him. I doubt that will happen and that much of the chatter is a form of psyops to sow doubt and discord within the GOP and create a sense of panic. Getting rid of Vance after his nomination has been ratified by the party convention will be problematic.

That SSACFT is nervous about recent developments is shown by him now trying to back out of debates with Kamala Harris.

The above claim made just yesterday by the SSACFT campaign that they cannot commit to a debate because Barack Obama is withholding his support for Harris because he wants someone better and thus she might be replaced as the nominee was immediately contradicted today by the Obamas’ enthusiastic endorsement.

They really are grasping at straws.


  1. KG says

    I do wonder about Obama’s delay in endorsing Harris. Of course there was chatter about Michelle Obama standing, but I can’t believe Barack Obama delayed in the hope of putting her forward. She’s always made absolutely clear she was not interested -- and quite right too: “First Lady” is not an administrative or legislative position, so she has hardly* more relevant experience than Trump had in 2016.

    Vance appears to be the Project 25/Opus Dei (i.e. clerical-fascist) candidate.

    *She must at least have a good idea what being POTUS involves -- which is probably an additional reason she’s determined not to stand.

  2. KG says

    What will Trump’s next excuse for not debating Harris be? My guess: he’ll use Obama’s endorsement to claim he is the real candidate, and demand to debate him instead.

  3. larpar says

    “…many in the Democrat Party…”
    First off, there isn’t a Democrat Party.
    Second, there may be a few folks that don’t want Harris, but I haven’t heard it.

  4. jenorafeuer says

    As I noted in the previous post, Vance is also the Peter Thiel, Marc Andreessen, Curtis Yarvin/Mencius Moldbug candidate, the people who think that ‘company towns’ where a corporation is the sole sovereign over a region is a good thing, and that the main reason grinding up poor people into biofuel is bad is because people might refuse to ride on busses hey knew were powered that way.

    No, really: Where J.D. Vance Gets His Weird, Terrifying Techno-Authoritarian Ideas @ The New Republic

  5. KG says

    Yikes -- a clerical-fascist/techno-fascist/neo-reactionary pact!

    Some right-wing sources (New York Post, Washington Examiner) are claiming Obama doesn’t believe Harris can beat Trump, and wanted Mark Kelly as candidate, but this looks very like an attempt to undermine Harris by attributing claims that she is “incompetent” (failing as “border czar”, a position she never held) to Obama. An alternative possibility is that he (and possibly she) wanted to avoid any appearance that she was his proxy -- hence having him endorse her only once it was already certain she would be the candidate.

  6. billseymour says

    There’s also the tradition, not always followed, of former presidents staying out of politics so as not to muddy the waters.  After the Democratic party’s rules committee agreed to have the virtual poll earlier than the convention, Harris’ nomination is somewhat more certain; so maybe Obama was more confident that his endorsement would help more than it hindered.  I wouldn’t be surprised if he supported Harris right from the get-go and had already told her that privately.

  7. raven says

    Vance has also lost the childless cat ladies vote.
    Xpost from Pharyngula

    J.D. Vance referred to them as “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”


    It is just flat out wrong.

    .1. I checked with Google to see if VP Harris even has a cat or two. Apparently not. She should though.

    .2. Both VP Harris and Transportation Secretary Buttigieg do have children!!!
    They were adopted children but so what?
    Being a parent is more than a biological description.
    Claiming adopted children aren’t real children is just so GOP.

    .3. It’s both wrong and incredibly insulting to childless people to claim they made a choice and that choice made them miserable.
    A huge number of childless people are childless due to factors out of their control, sterility, age, genetic factors, financial, etc..

    Childless people run around 20% of the population and Vance just insulted a large demographic block for no reason.

    PS: Who said childless cat ladies (or men) are miserable anyway? Vance doesn’t know this. Wrong again. I’m sure many of them are reasonably happy with their lives.

  8. Jazzlet says

    Another possibility is that by delaying his nomination Obama helped keep at least some of the news on Harris rather than Trump’s or Vance’s latest shenanigans or the latest revelation about Vance’s peccadilloes. The fact that we have already seen days of these announcements from various different people and groups could just be them needing time to get organised, but it could also be a thought out domination of the news cycle. That Obama issued his declaration the day after Trump’s post might be said to support that idea, it certainly seems like a good way to take the wind out of Trumps bloated sails, as well as being very satisfying timing.

  9. jenorafeuer says

    That’s a possibility.

    Some of the bloggers over at Lawyers, Guns, and Money have been wondering about Pelosi’s actual stance on this, not that she’d ever talk about it. Pelosi is very much not a progressive, more a neoliberal in the Clinton(either) or Obama mould, and probably to the right of Biden, much less Harris. But she is also a strategist and a very practical politician, so there has been some wondering about how much of the details of the timing of events was her input, with the fast (but still slightly spaced out) rush of support for Harris that has successfully managed to cut off any of the donor/pundit attempts at creating a messy convention, while at the same time keeping things slow enough that the flow of endorsements has kept things in the news longer than it would have if everybody had just fallen in line immediately.

    Biden’s a shrewd and canny politician as well, of course, capable of talking like a neoliberal while pulling off policies closer to New Deal at times; but it would have been interesting to be a fly on the wall when Pelosi got brought into the loop, because it’s almost a guarantee that she was one of the few people to hear about this before the general announcement. Harris obviously knew beforehand because she was all set to start making calls and get endorsements the moment the announcement went out.

  10. Trickster Goddess says

    It is very difficult to be miserable if you have cats! Cats are an antidote to misery.

  11. sonofrojblake says

    This year i did something politics related that I hadn’t done since 2001 -- watched all the UK election results, all night. (Frustratingly i missed the biggest moment, the disposal of Truss).

    I hope I get the chance to do something I’ve never done before, and watch a live presidential debate -- because i can’t wait to see Harris dismantle Trump.

    Sadly I fear he’ll find any excuse to chicken out. Whatever his cognitive shortcomings, he must recognise he’d be hopelessly outclassed. Being the older, more confused guy did for Biden. Trump would look *much* worse compared to Harris than Biden did next to Trump. I doubt we’ll get to see it.

  12. birgerjohansson says

    Trump is 78. If he dies as president Merica will get a leader who thinks rape victims should carry their assaulter’s child to term.
    This is something every Dem election worker should bring up when knocking on doors.
    And remind people he thinks Soros [aka the rich Jew] will help pregnant women flee the states they live in to abort (white) children.

  13. birgerjohansson says

    The last month I was feeling miserable about the situation in USA (I live in the next continent over).
    In just one week my mood has turned around.
    If there is a ceasefire in Gaza my bliss will be total.

  14. Tethys says

    IANAL, but I have heard actual lawyers say that short of JD suddenly dying, tfg is stuck with him as his running mate now that they have been officially nominated at the RNC.

    It has been fun to watch Kamala Harris take over from Biden with his full support. The fact that she has managed to secure full Democratic support and raise a phenomenal war chest in less than a week is evidence that she is fully capable of winning.

    Meanwhile, the R side tries to rally its ever shrinking base with more open racism and misogyny. The shark vs electrocution and love for Hannibal Lecter isn’t helping them either, not to mention Project 2025.

  15. ardipithecus says

    “a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

    He is projecting his own persona on to them.

  16. Katydid says

    Re: Vance’s idea that irresponsible non-white women get abortions because they’re not responsible: that was also Sarah Palin’s view. Palin’s mother was pregnant when married, Palin was pregnant when married to a man not the father, who went on to have several children with different men while married, and she and her teenaged daughter were famously pregnant at the same time. Her daughter went on to arguably five and perhaps six pregnancies with no wedding ring.

    But sure, it’s OTHER (nonwhite) PEOPLE who are irresponsible…

  17. Katydid says

    Sorry--to be more clear; Palin’s family has a long history of getting pregnant and then maybe getting married. Vance seems to have nothing to say about this.

    Additionally, Trump pressured Marla Maples into aborting when she was pregnant with Tiffany Trump. Maples refused. How many other abortions did Trump pressure women or Epstein’s sex children into getting?

  18. says

    “I do wonder about Obama’s delay in endorsing Harris.”

    As it turns out it was all about the timing, waiting for the initial wave to die down and doing it just before the weekend to keep Harris in the news cycle. As much as a problem as I have with Obama, the timing of this endorsement was very well done.

  19. KG says

    The points made about Obama’s delay by billseymour@6 and Jazzlet@8 are both well taken.

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