Bee was depressed about the current state of affairs in Trumpland and decided that she needed help quickly or she would go off the edge. So she went for advice to senator Elizabeth Warren.
Listening to Warren, I see echoes in her words of veteran investigative journalist I. F. Stone’s advice to people on how to keep your spirits up during the times when things are going against you and it seems like you are not making any progress on the issues that you really care about and even seem to be losing ground.
“The only kinds of fights worth fighting are those you’re going to lose, because somebody has to fight them and lose and lose and lose until someday, somebody who believes as you do wins. In order for somebody to win an important, major fight 100 years hence, a lot of other people have got be willing — for the sheer fun and joy of it — to go right ahead and fight, knowing you’re going to lose. You mustn’t feel like a martyr. You’ve got to enjoy it.”
You have to be a happy warrior to get through dark times.
John Morales says
So, whoever believes as you do and someday wins will not have fought a fight they were going to lose, entailing it was not a fight worth fighting.
Somehow, I don’t think that was the intended message. 🙂
(By the time your belief wins after numerous losses, it will not have been worth fighting for.)