Donald Trump had his first full cabinet meeting yesterday, almost five months into his administration, with that fact alone showing how poorly his administration is run. And to top it off, the meeting seemed designed to praise the Dear Leader in a manner that would have made even North Korea’s Kim Jong Un blush. Stephen Colbert describes what happened, and it is interesting (if gag-inducing) to see how far people, even those who are arrogant in other settings, are willing to debase themselves when they are close to someone with power over them.
Seth Meyers also weighs in on the sad spectacle.
LARPing ex officio.
We aren’t just in a post-truth world, we’re in a post-shame world.
Are these people so lacking in self awareness that they don’t know how weak and pathetic they look?
Sorry for being off-topic. Mano, since you live in Ohio, this may be relevant to you:
Senate Republicans are planning on passing their awful and totally inadequate version of healthcare legislation this month. However there are a few Senators who might be persuaded by their constituents to oppose the bill. If any of the following are your senators, please call them and let them know what you think about the healthcare proposal: Susan Collins (ME), Lisa Murkowski (AK), Dean Heller (NV), Shelley Moore Capito (WV), Bill Cassidy (LA), Rob Portman (OH), Tom Cotton (AR), Cory Gardner (CO), Jeff Flake (AZ), Pat Toomey (PA) and Dan Sullivan (AK).
For more information, including a script for your call, see here.
People prone to bluster tend to believe the bluster makes them look tough.
Its finally happening.