When a militant atheist confronts religious conservatives…

David Silverman is the president of American Atheists and is a person who was born to wear the label of ‘militant atheist’. CPAC is the Conservative Political Action Conference, an annual gathering of some of the most extreme conservatives in the country, many of whom are extremely religious. Samantha Bee sent one of her producers to see what happened when Silverman attended CPAC three weeks ago.

I liked the atheist who responded to someone telling him “I’ll pray for you”. Religious people often say that to non-believers and I find it annoying but had no real comeback that did not seem rude. This atheist replied “I’ll think for you”. Variations such as “”I’ll reason for you” would work too.


  1. doublereed says

    I thought it was pretty ridiculous how he was like “I’m offended that you would say that about atheists!” and such and then he calls religion and scam and a con. Because obviously that isn’t offensive at all.

    It’s just a little strange to ask people to temper their words when you’re not bothering to.

  2. jester700 says

    It could be argued that attacking religion isn’t the same as attacking religious people, and he was offended by attacks on atheists, not atheism. Having said that, I suspect most won’t get (or care about) the distinction; abrasive tone is abrasive tone. Having said THAT, I agree with him in many cases. In others it’s not a scam or con; it’s sincere but wrong.

  3. doublereed says

    I think I was more annoyed at his whining and tone trolling than anything he says about religion.

    Come on, he’s at CPAC whining about anti-atheist bigotry. Like it’s really difficult for me to see anything productive or interesting about such action. It reminds me of the log cabin republicans.

  4. moarscienceplz says

    It reminds me of the log cabin republicans.

    Yep. “Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and it annoys the pig.” Robert Heinlein
    Also, even if Silverman was successful at CPAC I would not see that as an improvement. A conservative atheist is possibly even worse for the world than a conservative Christian. You can try to tweak the conscience of a Christian by quoting the Bible about the root of all evil or camels and eyes of needles, but a self-serving atheist has no such soft spot.

  5. abear says

    Conservative atheists are horrible people. We should force them to believe in God so they would be better people. lol

  6. abear says

    As a liberal I don’t like a lot of conservative political viewpoints.
    Meanwhile I find it remarkably stupid and offensive to say that a conservative atheist would be a better person if they became religious. That same sort of argument has been prattled off by the most self righteous and arrogant religious apologists for a long time. It pisses me off when they say it, and even more when some dingbat that identifies as an atheist or freethinker.
    Some of the most obnoxious and dogmatic twits I have ever run across are atheists that have drunk the kool-aid of Marxism mixed with post modernist bullshit. Religion wouldn’t make them any better, but a course on critical thinking might help the ones that haven’t been too badly brainwashed.

  7. moarscienceplz says

    abear #7

    Meanwhile I find it remarkably stupid and offensive to say that a conservative atheist would be a better person if they became religious.

    Is this aimed at me? If so, you should have included the post # or my handle. In any case, I never said this. I said trying to convert a conservative Christian to atheism would be possibly even worse.
    I would never suggest trying to foist religion on someone who isn’t already marinating in it.

  8. abear says


    Also, even if Silverman was successful at CPAC I would not see that as an improvement. A conservative atheist is possibly even worse for the world than a conservative Christian. You can try to tweak the conscience of a Christian by quoting the Bible about the root of all evil or camels and eyes of needles, but a self-serving atheist has no such soft spot.

    Read more: https://proxy.freethought.online/singham/2016/03/22/when-a-militant-atheist-confronts-religious-conservatives/#ixzz43mUVN1Ak
    You didn’t say that? A conservative atheist is worse than a conservative christian?

  9. abear says

    Right , possibly makes a big difference. Because a self serving atheist has no soft spot.
    But a conservative christian does and it’s good that you can control them with the bible.
    You appear to presume that everyone at that convention is some type of demon that is beyond redemption and atheists shouldn’t try to communicate with people because they’re beyond hope.
    I didn’t write about foisting religion on people either . Where did you get that from?

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