Bernie Sanders spoke recently at Liberty University. This institution was founded by the late Jerry Falwell in 1971 and is an evangelical Christian college. You can get a good sense of how religion is threaded into every discipline by its statement about its Arts and Sciences curriculum.
All professors are dedicated Christians who affirm students in the faith, challenge them to grow spiritually, and encourage them to evaluate all things from a Christ-centered perspective. Each department is committed to an integration of faith and discipline, showing how Biblical presuppositions and a commitment to Christ govern research and teaching.
One of its ‘science’ departments is the Center for Creation Studies that seeks to promote the “development of a consistent biblical view of origins in our students. The center seeks to equip students to defend their faith in the creation account in Genesis using science, reason and the Scriptures” and of course advocates for young-Earth creationism. Not exactly fertile soil, for a secular, pro-science, democratic socialist politician.
There was a huge crowd for his talk but that was because it was the convocation and students are apparently required to attend these events. But at least the university was willing to expose them to someone believes in the right to abortion and same-sex marriage and other social issues that are antithetical to them.
So how could Sanders connect with such a student body? He seems to have decided, wisely I think, to appeal to the idealism of young people and used the idea of justice and morality to find common ground with them while not ignoring the differences on major issues.
“Let me be very frank. I understand that issues such as abortion and gay marriage are very important to you and that we disagree on those issues. I get that,” Sanders said. “But I came here today because I believe from the bottom of my heart that it is vitally important for those of us who hold different views to be able to engage in a civil discourse.”
…“You have got to think about the morality of that, the justice of that, and whether or not that is what we want to see in our country,” Sanders said. “In my view, there is no justice when, in recent years, we have seen a proliferation of millionaires and billionaires while at the same time the United States of America has the highest rate of childhood poverty of any major country on earth.”
…But Sanders got plenty of cheers of support for his main message—we must do more to help the financial disadvantaged. Most of his speech was shaped around morality, which he tried to use as a bridge to agree with students here. Sanders, at one point, began ticking off statistics about how as “millions of people are working more hours for abysmally low wages of $7.25, of $8 an hour, $9 an hour” even though “58 percent of all new income generated is going to the top 1 percent.”
He also said that 20 percent of all children—and 40 percent of African-American children—now live in poverty. “How can we, I want you to go into your hearts, how can we talk about morality, about justice, when we turn our backs on the children of our country?”
The talk about racial inequality was a notable part of his remarks, especially after Sanders became a target of the Black Lives Matter movement over the summer, as activists sought more attention for the issue of institutional racism. Sanders, however, did appear to raise some eyebrows during the Q&A when asked what he would do bring healing and resolution to racism in the U.S.
He responded that the nation in many ways was created on “racist principles” and then spoke about the progress that has followed the election of President Barack Obama.
Sarah Posner says that Sander’s speech was a good one for many reasons.
Sanders didn’t go to Liberty to prove his faithiness (I know that’s not actually a word, but I can think of no other to describe a politician’s strained effort to prove his or her religious bona fides. If you can think of one, please let me know). Sanders didn’t go to Liberty to hedge his views on abortion or same-sex marriage in the unrealistic hope that a handful of evangelicals would switch their votes to the Democratic side.
…Sanders quite plainly delivered his message without pandering, and without tiptoeing around his impassioned critique of greed and political corruption. He managed to do this without the well-worn religious pabulum used by politicians who unimaginatively talk about how faith informed their political views, making their speeches about proving something about themselves, rather than articulating a political program.
I don’t know if he swayed many minds but I think that it is important to spread your message to as wide an audience as possible without pandering to them and hope that at least a few of those present will begin to think differently. And some student reactions suggest that he might have done just that.
Liberty University students were quick to underscore differences with Sen. Bernie Sanders on social issues like abortion, but also shared some compliments for the senator following his speech Monday at the school’s convocation.
“I think he did a good job of not offending,” junior Emily Murphy said. “I think he said what he believes in, but he didn’t put us down, so I respected that.”
Keila Overcast, also a junior, said she thought it was appropriate for Sanders to be as up front as he was about his support for abortion rights and gay marriage, but as someone strongly opposed herself, she wished he’d said more to explain why he feels that way.
Michael Leh, a sophomore studying Christian leadership, said he saw himself voting for Sanders if the election came to a matchup between Sanders and businessman and television star Donald Trump.
“Even though I might not agree with him, I respect him the most out of all the candidates right now, the fact that he came here and spoke with us and at the same time was very blunt with us, I really appreciated that,” Leh said.
Sophomore nursing student Joseph Pappas said he thought Sanders brought up important points about income inequality and healthcare.
“It shouldn’t be a situation in which someone goes to the hospital and just then finds out, ‘oh you had stage four terminal cancer,’ when they knew that they may have had an issue earlier but, due to the fact that they didn’t have healthcare, they didn’t want to go to the hospital,” he said.
Here’s a short clip of a bit of his talk and of student reactions.
I understand that even where he expected a chance of agreement -- in the area of economic inequalities -- he didn’t say they ought to agree with him because Jesus would have, he didn’t pretend he knew what they were supposed to believe. That was unusually decent for a politician.
Back in 2009 in Tennessee, 49 democrats backed republican Kent Williams and had him named speaker of the house. The republicans were furious, having just won four seats and a bare majority.
Why did the democrats back Williams? Because all the other republicans vying to become speakers were knee jerk wingnuts, in the mould of today’s republican presidential
hopefulshopelesses. Williams was a more traditional conservative, and while the 49 democrats may not have agreed with him on many things, they knew they could work with him and have a functioning legislature.Sanders’s performance at Liberty and the reactions of fundy christians there may echo around the US in the same way. The more moderate and sane fundies might just back Sanders because he will listen and not exclude or denigrate them. Even if they don’t agree with his stance on many topics, they might realize they can live with him as president, a far more acceptable option than anyone else on offer.
I HOPE she’s just saying that she supports dialog about controversial ideas. If she, as a college junior literally doesn’t understand how someone could feel that way, I weep for our future.
… at least the university was willing to expose them to someone [who] believes in … social issues that are antithetical to them.
At least Liberty U felt the pressure to protect their 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, after hosting Ted Cruz’s official announcement of his candidacy, by making a pretense of non-partisan openness.
Bernie Sanders on MSNBC Rachel Maddow Show: “Republicans Get Away With Murder!”
Sanders said, “Republicans get away with murder, because they are never challenged,” he told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow.
Watch Entire Rachel Maddow Show on YouTube:
Look At Bernie Sanders 100+ Celebrity Endorsements!
Sanders’ new, big-name Hollywood backers include actors Will Ferrell, ¬Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Piven, and Danny DeVito. All four members of the Red Hot Chili Peppers also announced their support for Sanders, along with members of the bands Fun., Sonic Youth, the Foo Fighters, and Edward Sharpe & Magnetic Zeroes. Singer-songwriters Lucinda Williams, Graham Nash and David Crosby are all on the list, along with rappers Killer Mike and Lil B. And it includes some non-artists like physician Patch Adams, who was the subject of a Robin Williams biopic, and Apple Computers Co-Founder Steve Wozniack.
Check Out Entire Celebrity List Here:
Bernie Sanders Tackles War on Drugs: Decriminalize Marijuana!
The War on Drugs has cost billions in tax dollars and has incarcerated millions of Americans—exploding our prison and jail populations. Bernie Sanders supports the decriminalization of marijuana. I support marijuana use for medical purposes. In Colorado, people who run marijuana shops can’t put their money in banks, for example. That’s a violation of federal law. So I think there are things that the federal government can do that would make it easier for states that want to go in that direction to be able to do so,” Sanders said.
Watch the full interview on YouTube:
GOP Shocked! Evangelical Christian Pastor Confesses: “I’m Voting For Bernie Sanders”
Bernie Sanders message of economic and racial justice is resonating with the Evangelical Christian community. After listening to Bernie Sanders speak at Liberty University, one former student, and pastor, is now a supporter of Bernie Sanders for president. He explains how an Evangelical Christian can be both theologically conservative and politically liberal based on Bible teachings.
“I wouldn’t be much of a Christian if I didn’t stand on the side of gospel for the poor, because, the last time I checked, that’s where my master Jesus stood, and I’ll stand with Him. And, for now, that means I stand with Bernie Sanders.”
Listen to Jim’s persuasive biblical argument for a Bernie Sanders presidency here:
Read Transcript here:
Bernie Sanders: Ban Private Prisons, Profit By Locking Up African Americans!
“We cannot fix our criminal justice system if corporations are allowed to profit from mass incarceration,” Sanders said. “Keeping human beings in jail for long periods of time must no longer be an acceptable business model in America. We have got to end the private prison racket in America. Our focus should be on treating people with dignity and ensuring they have the resources they need to get back on their feet when they get out.”
Watch Bernie Sanders talk about banning private prisons on Youtube: