The comedy program Inside Amy Schumer used a parody of the popular TV show Friday Night Lights to highlight the problem of small towns where football is king, high school football players are treated like gods, women who are raped become the target of abuse when they report it, and that the very culture of football inculcates attitudes that justify the use of force to get what you want.
Inter-American Coffee Bureau says
It seems that Schumer has some odd ideas about consent herself:
I’ll note that Schumer positively crows about behavior that’s very similar to the kind of thing that Michael Shermer has been accused of, yet suffers none of the same kind of opprobrium.
resident_alien says
@ Inter-American Coffee Bureau :
Nice try, but if one actuallys read that story ( which is not that new, by the way),
it becomes apparent that the headline should more accurately read “Was Amy Schumer
nearly raped by a drunk guy” since the guy was the one pressurring for sex. Also, he got drunk solely on his own volition and initiative, Amy didn’t ply him with alcohol in order to rape him, which is what Shermer did.
False equivalence is false.
You’re welcome.
Drew says
@ Resident_alien:
Did you really just suggest that if someone “[gets] drunk solely on his own volition and initiative” that any sex afterward isn’t rape?
I’m not certain that I can equate the acts of Shermer and Schumer based upon the stories. However on its own merits, the story she relayed, if true, paints her as a rapist. According to her own story she was having sex with a man who was so drunk that he was repeatedly coming in and out of consciousness in the middle of it. If drunk consent is no consent, then she raped him.
Regardless of what had happened earlier in the night. She came to his room later when he was clearly too drunk to consent. It’s also apparent that he did take no for an answer (even if he tried to convince her again after her saying no). While he would have consented earlier in the night, at the time of the act, he was incapable of giving that consent. That makes her a rapist, no?
Now you could have a valid point, that she wasn’t trying to get him drunk for the purpose of having sex with him later, but she still took the opportunity of a very very drunk person to have sex to make her feel better about herself. So she’s what? Not quite as bad a rapist as someone else?
governmentman says
What does it mean to ply with alcohol? Did Shermer use some kind of mind control that I’m unfamiliar with?