Parks? Who needs parks?

Herman Cain continues his “Look at me! I’m an idiot who is willing to be made a fool of by comedians just for the attention!” tour by talking with John Oliver of The Daily Show about how he would lower the price of gas by allowing drilling over most of the national parks, thus effectively destroying the jewels of the American landscape. Because that is part of god’s grand plan. Besides, how many picnic tables do people really need? And do you really need more than one giant redwood tree to appreciate their grandeur?

It is quite astonishing that at one point in the primaries, Cain actually was the top choice among Republican voters. One wonders what might have happened if his sexual indiscretions had not caused him to drop out of the race.

(This clip appeared on July 25, 2012. To get suggestions on how to view clips of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report outside the US, please see this earlier post.)


  1. says

    And to think we’ve got Newt, Bishop Eddie Long, James Merrit, Charles Stanley, Creflo Dollar and a few other nutbags here in Georgia, too…

  2. says

    Good evening Mano,

    I won’t watch the video. I won’t mention this person’s name. I won’t waste another second of my time even contemplating my decision.

    Do all you can to make today a good day,


  3. Trebuchet says

    What is it with prominent Republicans that causes them to be understand that petroleum is GLOBAL market? Drill all you want, it won’t make but a few cents difference in the price.

  4. Trebuchet says

    What is it with prominent Republicans that causes them to be understand that petroleum is GLOBAL market? Drill all you want, it won’t make but a few cents difference in the price.

    Ugh. That’s supposed to be “UNABLE to understand”.

    And of course, some of them DO understand it, but are doing the bidding of their petrolated masters.

  5. Ole says

    I can’t tell if this man is a parody of a republican or of he’s parodying himself, and if he is, whether he knows he’s doing it. It’s so confusing.

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