‘Personhood’ movement having a hard time

The personhood legislation proposed in Oklahoma has been deemed to be unconstitutional by a unanimous state Supreme Court.

A federal judge ruled a similar measure in Nevada to be unconstitutional and Mississippi and Colorado voters rejected similar measures.

Maybe there are some ideas too crazy for people to stomach even in these crazy times.


  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    If “personhood” begins at conception, why don’t any of the major churches, including the Catholic church, baptise babies until after birth?

  2. eric says

    It is somewhat amusing to think that one horrible social conservative measure might end up gutting a second horrible social conservative measure. Specifically, ‘personhood for embryos’ would be gutted of any legal force in a ‘stand your ground,’ state; the woman just has to claim they felt physically threatened by the pregnancy.

    Yeah, I agree that “neither” is a much saner policy option. I’m just musing out loud about how the two might interact to make abortion legal.

  3. Coragyps says

    “why don’t any of the major churches, including the Catholic church, baptise babies until after birth”

    They once did. Baptismal syringes were once available to douse babies in utero if the chances of a successful birthing looked doubtful.

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