Maybe there is a god, and he’s a skeptic and he rewards those who shun faith in favor of evidence and humans being responsible for their own affairs by granting them the logical outcomes of their reason based behavior. An extremist of this view would say this god is punishing Perry (and his state) for their faith and for their superstitious approach to a real problem. God is testing their skepticism and scientific know-how.
So yes, God is pro-skepticism and put down all the holy books and prophecies, etc. just to test people’s skepticism and to sort the superstitious from the rationalists. He rewards only thee of little faith. Don’t believe me there is a god like that? You can’t prove there isn’t!* *(This god would disapprove of my shifting of the burden of proof I just did there, btw; it’s a sin!)
G says
Maybe there is a god, and he’s a skeptic and he rewards those who shun faith in favor of evidence and humans being responsible for their own affairs by granting them the logical outcomes of their reason based behavior. An extremist of this view would say this god is punishing Perry (and his state) for their faith and for their superstitious approach to a real problem. God is testing their skepticism and scientific know-how.
So yes, God is pro-skepticism and put down all the holy books and prophecies, etc. just to test people’s skepticism and to sort the superstitious from the rationalists. He rewards only thee of little faith. Don’t believe me there is a god like that? You can’t prove there isn’t!* *(This god would disapprove of my shifting of the burden of proof I just did there, btw; it’s a sin!)