The Catholic Church has complained to the UN Human Rights Council that “People who criticise gay sexual relations for religious or moral reasons are increasingly being attacked and vilified for their views.”
I had not realized that bigots had such sensitive feelings. No doubt the Catholic Church will next complain about criticisms aimed at those who support pedophilic priests.
It is amazing how people think that saying that one’s views originate from one’s religion automatically confers immunity from the normal rough and tumble of public political discourse.
(via Machines Like Us)
I think that, taken as a description of their thought process, this isn’t very accurate. I would say that people identify with the ideas they hold most firmly (religious or otherwise), so that an attack on the idea is seen as an attack on themselves. This makes “attack the idea, but not the person” problematic. If someone doesn’t recognize an idea as something distinct from their identity, they will object to attacks on that idea, not necessarily because they consider that idea deserving of special treatment, but because they see it as an attack on people rather than on just an idea.
In order to have any chance of convincing someone that an idea is wrong, you must first convince them that the idea is not essential to their identity.
Right on point. Slapping the label of “religion” on an idea doesn’t make that idea immune to criticism.
Unfortunately, even some liberals hold this view, especially if one criticizes Islam for its excesses.
They need to put each one of these Catholic priests from catholic church’s to jail! You are right, it is amazing how people mix religion with everything.
Yep. That’s true.
I would say that those who comment on liberals objecting to having similar views when it comes to attacks on Islam, I don’t think that’s quite true.
Liberals will likely object to people using language that may inflame racial intolerance in countries where Muslims are a minority.
You will be hard-pressed to find any liberal who is in favour of any of the more “robust” beliefs of the radical Muslim communities.
The organised Christian ministries are not oppressed or victimised in any sense. Sensible atheist people may ridicule them from time to time, but I don’t think anyone can make a genuine comparison between the two.