How to read the NYT and WSJ for free

The New York Times will start putting some of its content behind a pay wall on March 28, like the Wall Street Journal already does.

But you can still read the articles for free. The newspapers know of this loophole but they keep it open because they need to keep their search engine rankings high and they think that most people are too lazy to go through the steps to get the free articles.


  1. says

    This is interesting. About three days ago I heard that the New York Times was going to start charging for online content. I have an in-print subscription for the Wall Street Journal, but not for the New York Times, so this was great information. It makes complete sense when you think about it because they can’t afford to lose hits from search engines.

  2. says

    I think this is going to be the future. Sooner or later newspapers have to charge for their work. How should they compete with others when not making a dime? I guess the question is how much will it be to read the newspaper online and is there a nice service to let me read my newspaper while I am on the go, on my smartphone for example.

    I personally think these are the newspapers that are going to survice the whole modernization process.
    But these are just my 2 cents.

    Take care.

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