Talk on Why Atheism is Winning

I will be giving a talk on this topic on Wednesday, March 16 at 7:00 pm in the 1914 Lounge in Thwing student center on the CWRU campus. It is free and open to the public and free food is provided to compensate you for having to listen to me. The talk is sponsored by the Center for Inquiry.

In my talks, in addition to the tradition Q&A and discussion at the end, I also encourage people to question and comment during the presentation, so come along with your ideas.


  1. says

    I want to hear more about this topic. Is there any chance I can attend on your talks aside from the 16th? thanks

  2. says

    Shalom Mano,

    Definitely find a student — surely there is a lowly TA who can be drafted — to record the talk and then upload the video to YouTube.

    I wish I could be there, but sadly, I have a student until 8 p.m.



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