This blog has been Sarah Palin-free for some time because I have little patience for the kind of obsession the media seem to have with breathlessly reporting her every utterance and tweet, however inconsequential. But for my own amusement I have been idly speculating as to whom she might choose as her running mate in the unlikely event that she becomes the Republican presidential candidate in 2012. Who could possibly match her in the looniness factor? Minnesota congresswoman Michele Bachman is a possibility since she is surely nutty enough.
But we now have a clear winner! John Bolton is considering running for the nomination as well. Yes, John Bolton is so crazy that he thinks the country is looking for someone like him to lead it, which makes him a perfect match for Palin.
Palin-Bolton in 2012. Who could ask for anything more?
Mano --
The problem with a Palin/Bolton (or swap-out for conservative nutbar of your choice) is that it renders an Obama reelection practically inevitable. While 2 years ago, I would have considered that desirable, President Obama’s track record on the economy, civil rights, and the war on terror all deserve the kind of scrutiny from his base that a primary challenge would deliver.
If re-election is a no-brainer (literally, in the case of Sarah Palin), however, it decreases the incentive for a more progressive Democrat to run against him in the primary, even if only to keep him honest. And unfortunately, no matter who the Republican candidate is, they’re extremely unlikely to start the kind of debate we need over the national security state or the economy.
Sarah Palin was the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in 2008. Once Hilary was out of the Presidential ticket the republicans figured that if they had a woman, any woman, as a V.P. they figured they would get all of the Hillary supporters. So they chose someone who was as bad as SNL portrayed them to be.
I’ll never forget when Colin Powell was on Meet the Press and laid out his reason for selecting Obama as President. He stated very matter-of-factly and non-politically why Sarah Palin was not fit to run.
I’m sure the democrats are praying she will run again.