When ‘Judeo-Christian’ really means just ‘Christian’

There is a move to dump the present speaker of the Texas house of representatives because he is a Jew, with some saying “We elected a house with Christian, conservative values. We now want a true Christian, conservative running it.”

But of course they resent any suggestion that they are bigoted towards Jews. As one of them said, “My favorite person that’s ever been on this earth is a Jew… How can they possibly think that [I am a bigot] if Jesus Christ is a Jew, and he’s my favorite person that’s ever been on this earth?”

Who can argue with logic like that?


  1. Eric says

    Mano --

    Maybe I have a skewed view of this, but it seems to me that when Christian politicians or activist groups use the term “Judeo-Christian values,” they almost always mean just “Christian,” but want to pay lip service to religious freedom and diversity because bigotry is out of fashion in mainstream society.


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