
I try to keep my abortion position as independent of law as possible and the most important part of this post concerns this. That being said I’ll include legal and religious angles at the end that I think are useful. But these should not be used to debate, too often forced-birthers steal the political atmosphere with debate. Delight in giving orders, and stating things as the way things are. Learn to enjoy their opportunity to figure out their negative feelings about your actions.

What freedom looks like.
My position can be summarized as there is no right to force someone to give birth or stop someone from offering the services. Without forced-birthers people would just get abortions. That’s the freedom and liberty part.
As a group forced-birthers get by because they are a group, a mob, people who can force others to give birth themselves or through government. Relatedly any forced-birther is a stand-in for the people they put into power when it comes to shaming and criticism.

That’s it. They assert the power to use force on others with no good reason or rights to do so. If one were to want a legal position I’ve been confused as to why the 9th amendment has not been used as a reason, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” Including the right to go get or offer an abortion which harms the rights of no one else. They have to go to “spectral evidence” and speak for fetuses eventually, and I don’t give them that power to make up words on behalf of the unborn without minds or words.

I don’t even believe the christians among forced-birthers have their own theology right. When I was raised in that environment a big value was placed on sin and choice, they have to use force. They don’t even believe what they say. And it’s a fine for killing the unborn of another in their book. They have manipulation of language only.

Finally I’ve a way of dealing with their “baby talk”. It’s untested but rhetorically in the moment give them “baby” or “child” mockingly, but make the conceptus “baby 0.01”, the embryo “baby 0.5”. Be clear that you aren’t serious and that they simply emotionally require and depend on recalling feelings AFTER birth and can’t deal with reality. You can bet they’d destroy embryology to get their way if they had to.

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