Apparently, polls are now the proper way to settle metaphysical issues. This guy claims to have evidence of life after death, based on claims about near-death experiences (NDEs), which are so convincing…not. People experiencing trauma and physiological shock, whose brains have received a nasty jar and have had the continuity of experience abruptly terminated, are not the best people to accurately describe the objective nature of the phenomenon; also, the mind is pretty darned good at filling in gaps in our experience with confabulations.
It’s an untrustworthy basis for believing in magical post-death transformations, but this guy has made it even worse. How does he test for life after death? He collects anecdotes on a web site — a kind of glorified pointless poll. So I suppose it is only natural that the article about the collection of tripe would put up a pointless poll of its own.
Do you believe in the afterlife?
I’m not sure.
Using the methodology of these loons, I think that if we get a majority saying “No” it will mean that there is no life after death.